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Author Topic: Revo Tuned cars go to Valet Mode when read via OBD (solved)  (Read 9855 times)
Jr. Member

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« on: October 05, 2015, 09:23:37 AM »

Hi Guys,

again just adding my 2p where i can.

this has already been discussed i know as i had to do alot of research myself and i just wanted to clear something up as the post i found, said they managed to get some of the power back, i got all mine back and it may help someone else.

Secondly i also know the advice is to scrap Revo and start from fresh which i am doing with my spare ECU i just wanted a benchmark for my cars Hardware from its original stage one Map if that makes sense.

So what happened? a friend of mine was rebuilding my car for me, during in the process he read my cars ecu, simply to test his cable as he couldn't get a read from an Astra he was working on.

Thought nothing of it until the car was rebuilt and went for a test drive. symptoms

30% max throttle
5500rpm limit
0.3bar boost

now it took me a while to get to "it's the ECU" as we'd rebuilt the lot, installed FMIC changed loads of vacuum lines etc. anyway i was due to get a pro tune and this happened 3days before, i had no time to test boost pipes wether they would pop off etc it was annoying. so anyway i had a spare ecu from my old Leon cupra R, had the immo removed on that by the tuning company, plugged it in and my car is back to normal, well with factory tune and quick spooling hybrid it kept hitting limits so still couldn't test anything properly, hence i found this site.

Anyway after loads of research all i could find was that somebody had got some but not all power back with an SPS switch.

i found an SPS3 on ebay for £60 so thought worth a try.

SPS3 has full control of timing and boost plus Revo stock or performance mode.

some one had said boost mode 0 is valet mode so i just set boost mode 9 and plugged it in one beep later and my car was back to how it was prior to the rebuild now i could start logging and testing.

Now where somebody else had said it made a difference but did not get full power back i definatly did so thought i'd share my experience.

Now i don't know if it's any use to anyone but i still have my revo ecu, i took a read of the 90540 eeprom over obd before plugging the SPS in (valetmode)
and i took a read of the eeprom after i had plugged the SPS started the car and tested it (boostmode9)

i will post if anyone wants to take a look at the differences in the EEPROM.

oh and that bit the EEPROM everyone i spoke to before finding all this out said that reading the ECU should not affect it, yes well if it's a revo tune something in the EEPROM is missing and most readers MPPS or nefmoto leave text in this missing gap of EEPROM data when they are just reading, this causes a revo tune to go to Valet (boost 0) mode.

if it's of any use to anyone or if anyone else wants me test anything on my Revo ecu feel free to reply Smiley

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TUNERTT on Track

« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2015, 01:30:42 PM »

Dang, same thing happened to me but I didn't know why.
I drove my TT after trying to look at the ECU and it was barely able to make it up a hill.
I thought maybe I changed settings with my SPS and had must have forgotten I did it.
(I have three tunes on my SPS, 91Stock, 91Hot and 100Hot
I reconnected my SPS and put in my 1100Hot tune numbers (9-9-9) and got all my power back
Nice to know that the real cause was the Revo and not that my memory is failing

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« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2016, 04:21:44 PM »

can you put the ECU back in stage 1 without the SPS?
Jr. Member

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« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2016, 01:57:51 AM »

Hi mate,

not sure i never did try, i can test it when i get my car back in a couple weeks, until then if you can see the difference between these two files you maybe able to adjust your own.

You'll need to be able to read your eeprom and then write to it in boot mode.

take a read of your eeprom and post up.

Heres mine...
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