So I went crazy today and did two things.
#1 run the car without intercoolers, quickly bypassed them (no pictures sorry, i forgot to take 'em)
I saw a sudden overshoot of boost on ramp up, so I had to fix wgdc to 50% to see what's up and I noticed
that there is basically no surge at all at 1.6bar of boost, I stopped at 6k rpm because I knew IATs will be super high, well for sure
they were. 100C at 5.5k RPM and ECU pulling timing down to 2 degrees... thank you E85.
Then I figured I have to try something else. I remembered from Flyboy's testing that the OEM RS4 intercoolers
flow better than the ERs, well the only problem is that I only have one handy, the driver side.
... but hey I have a set of C5 RS6 intercoolers which are GIGANTISCH (ref.:
Since I did not have enough silicone couplers for doing both sides with the RS6 coolers,
I did the driver side with the RS4 and the passenger side with the RS6 cooler.
I think I could not fit both RS6 anyway, they are really huge.... I mean it.
Don't laugh at me, this is eastern european style. also did a reference run with the ER coolers an hour before I installed these here are the results.
First is the ER then the RS6-RS4 combo.
What do you guys think?