Brand new here and have a question about swapping my stock ECU for an APR tuned ECU in my 2003 Allroad. The allroad has an immobilizer so I can't simply just put the tuned one in like my old B5 A4.
So I loooked here on ross tech and found this:
http://wiki.ross-tech.com/wiki/index.php/Immobilizer_III_Immobilizer_Swapping_%28Instrument_Cluster%29This seems like what i need to do, but of course the million dollar question is the SKC. I don't have the SKC for the tuned ECU. But I have some software tools besides a vag com that I hope will pull the pin from my stock ECU so I can get the SKC from that and swap immobilizers.
So my first question is: Besides going to teh dealer, what software will pull my SKC? I have Vag commader and I have Vag Tacho.
Either way do I need the SKC from the Tuned ECU? Or am I going about this all the wrong way....
Or should I be using the ECU swapping process and pull the SKC from the tuned ECU.
Thanks in advance