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Author Topic: Need Help Extracting the SKC from a Bosch RB8 Cluster of a 2006 Audi A4 2.0 TFSI  (Read 8402 times)

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Hi Everyone!

I decided to change my red/yellow instrument cluster with a color one, but I have been unable to extract its SKC. I have tried several different methods to extract it through the OBD2 diagnostic port, including:

•   Using VAG K+CAN Commander v2.5, v3.6 and v5.5 + Pin Reader.
•   VAG EEPROM Programmer v1.19g with a blue KKL cable.
•   ABRITES AVDI Diagnostics (I went to a professional for this one)

All of them failed to extract the pin code, so I decided to get an EEPROM programmer, desolder the 24C08 chip and read the EEPROM. I did the same for my new color instrument cluster. The problem is that the EEPROM on all RB4 and RB8 clusters is encrypted. I don’t have a tool that would decrypt from a dump file. I tried the site but it turned out to be a scam. All the site does is collect EEPROMs.

I would be really grateful if someone can extract the SKC from my old RB8 cluster and tell me how to virginise the new RB4 one!

Thanks in advance!

Here is all the info

Old Red/Yellow Cluster:
8E0 920 901 E
Bosch RB8
EEPROM: See the first attached file. (You need to log in to the forum in order to see it.)

New Color Cluster (used, bought from
8E0 920 931 E
Bosch RB4
EEPROM: See the second attached file. (You need to log in to the forum in order to see it.)
« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 04:24:45 AM by CVT » Logged
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Posting the encrypted files are no good.
You need to read it out as decrypted. But assuming you could do that you would be able to get the PIN yourself.
If you can read it out as decrypted even if it wont get the pin for some reason post tat dump.
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I don't know about the B7, but the following post from Audizine works for the B6 guys:

Sorry I can't be of any more help. I'm still looking for a metric S4 cluster to swap into my car...


Go ahead and give me negative karma... I don't care if you like what I post princess.
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I have dejavu tool but it only works with the dash connected. No way to do this without the cryptop part.
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So there is no such thing as bench mode for these clusters?
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