@ruan - I gather from your post that you agree with me generally that compound systems shift the small turbo's compressor map x-axis to the left. However, you doubt the T3/T4 - K03 combo still fall on the adjusted K03 map. Is that correct?
I haven't (I don't think) provided what PRs I plan to operate at nor have actual K03 - T3/T4 maps been referenced in your calculations. Unless you are suggesting the gt2052 is comparable to the K03
I cannot provide opposing calculations at this time, just stating the incomplete picture on which both our assumptions are based.
Correct on the first count certainly. That was this morning and the coffee hadn't quite got my brain working in a sensible explaining fashion. The GT2052 example was merely an example to show on a turbo that's in the same ballpark area that is being discussed which conveniently has it's axis as corrected mass flow rather than volumetric - nothing else inferred from that.
Without going into specific values for what you're wanting to do... Compounding is great if you want extreme pressures, however from my experience there is quite a trade off in terms of where that pressure can be generated - the airflow you'll likely want to support at high engine speed will (even taking into account the above) be too great for the HP unit compressor.
This is why the OEMs use systems like R2S - because you can utilise that HP unit at low RPMs and provide great transient response, generate high pressures at mid RPM whilst utilising compounding, but bypass the HP unit so that you don't overspeed it... That's why compound setups are more popular on diesel motors IME.
Point of my post being:
- Mass flow vs
corrected mass flow (or simply - volumetric flow) means given a higher inlet pressure you can move a greater mass of air through the compressor.
- Doesn't mean you'll always be able to move enough even with the above.
In terms of what the original thread is here for, fraid I'm about as much use as tits on a fish - many people with vastly more experience than myself on that subject. I've a bit of experience with how I might apply this in terms of a CR diesel, however there's so much knowledge here, I don't think my input would be hugely helpful! I just find reading stuff on the subject of ME7 fascinating coming at it from a completely different angle