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Author Topic: ME 7.8 Cam Switch Mixture Factor - KFNWSL/KFNWSH  (Read 2601 times)
Jr. Member

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« on: August 22, 2017, 05:30:57 PM »

Anyone know how KFNWSL/KFNWSH work?

This much I know...  They are mixture modification factors applied during cam changeover.  One is advanced-to-retarded/idle and the other is retarded/idle-to-advanced.  Though, I'm not sure which is which.

The factors in my OEM file are between 0.91 and 1.00.  I interpret this to mean the tables, as they are, only reduce fuel flow.  I assume they are multipliers -- not additive.

So, why am I asking?  I'm fighting a lean out condition between 1,000 and 2,000 RPM.  Lambda spikes to 1.1 routinely, occasionally getting as high as 1.4.  Logs show the lean out occurs after the cam changeover from retarded-to-advanced (on acceleration).  A cold engine aggravates the issue.

Since I'm leaning out, I'm thinking of setting both tables to all 1.00 values and logging to see if I go rich temporarily.  In any case, a rich condition is much easier to stomach than a lean condition.  Stumbling during low RPM acceleration sucks.

Any advice?
Jr. Member

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« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2018, 12:09:07 PM »

Update...  I solved most of my lean out issue by setting these tables to 1.00, which drastically reduced the lean out during a cam change.

The lean out is worse when cold because the cam switchover table (NWENG, I think) are load driven (by RPM by gear) and cold engines have higher loads, causing the switchover at lower than ideal points.  I increased the load point for switchover for gear 0 (neutral), gear 1 and gear 2, which helped the cold lean out.

It ain't perfect yet, but much better than it was.  My next step is tweaking the transient tables (KFBAKL, etc).  The short term portion in my transient tables are ridiculously low (like 2%) when the FR recommends 25%.  So, I know those OEM settings can't be ideal. 

I tried to fix this lean out by starting with the transient tables, but the adjustments required became pretty large, suggesting something else was amiss.  That led to logging/research on the cam switchover points.  My lean out was highly correlated to the cam switch.

BTW, all of this required change stems from changing my injectors to Bosch 298s, which have a different (better) spray pattern from the shitty OEM injectors.
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