There is a post about this multi map on this ecu and a checksum disable, only works if you do that.
great stuff
! Didn´t know this for EDC15 bevor..
The need to disable checksum is totaly clear, if you chance between "coding area" during ECU is running.
You need to do the same, if you like to switch between dobble flashes during ECU is running.
I myself pever switching switched off with a hardware switch, because I like to have my checksumms on.
About extending the dump and things like that, not very practical even with the switch and all, that's why i went with this feature!
Extending the dump is allways a good feature, if you like to run the diesel to its maxium.
I used it everytime, to be able to run a "must-not-run-all-time-application" for 1/4mile racing e.g.
Ok, it isn´t that comforable,because you need a diagnositc system. But the switching between only two applications with a dobble flash works realy fine, as long as you don´t want to chance characteristic during driven