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Author Topic: I'm new to ME7 1.8T Tuning (Few questions)  (Read 7534 times)
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« on: November 05, 2017, 03:30:48 PM »

Hi guys, I have been reading this forums posts about the ME7 Platform (S4s and GTIs) and different map names and what they do. However, I just don't seem to understand how this ecu makes boost, by Duty Cycle and KFMIRL/KFMIOP? At the same time KFMIOP has no more than 160% load on the axis, while KFMIRL has up to 180% load at 99% torque request. Would the ecu run off the map if you want more than 160% load? I am a bit confused also about how Boost avg. = (Load * 10 + 300mbar) - 1,000mBar since stock boost pressure is 0.6-7 bar on 1.8T 20V engines, while the load on the graphs goes up to 160, which would theoretically mean the boost is (160 * 10 + 300) - 1000 = 0.9Bars of boost.

For example, I want 1.2 bars of boost on my K03S. How do I go about achieving that, which maps need altering to increase boost max other than Duty Cycle which only controls the way you achieve that?

Thanks. Just need a bit of newbie info.
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« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2017, 04:11:21 PM »

LDRXN is your boost limit/request @WOT
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 04:13:35 PM by KasperH » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2017, 04:36:18 PM »

LDRXN is your boost limit/request @WOT

Alright, so in my graph peak load is at 5520 RPM @ 138% Load, which is an average of 0.6-0.7 bars of boost.

- Can I make a smooth line for max 1 bar of boost by only changing this map, to scale it up to 160 load gradually and taper it down; or I need to alter KFMIOP and KFMIRL too?

- By doing this I enable the use of the higher load values calculated by KFMIOP and KFMIRL, which go up to 160-180% Load?

I am trying to learn how to self tune my 1.8T 20V K03-058 (K03S) engine to max out the turbo until I get a K04-022.

- One more question, I don't understand the timing maps, shouldn't degrees BTDC go lower as we go towards peak power? In ME7 they're the opposite.
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« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2017, 05:34:20 PM »

You might want to read through the community tune threads. A lot of your questions will be answered there.

"If you have a chinese turbo, that you are worried is going to blow up when you floor it, then LOL."
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« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2017, 07:43:22 PM »

Alright, so in my graph peak load is at 5520 RPM @ 138% Load, which is an average of 0.6-0.7 bars of boost.

- Can I make a smooth line for max 1 bar of boost by only changing this map, to scale it up to 160 load gradually and taper it down; or I need to alter KFMIOP and KFMIRL too?

- By doing this I enable the use of the higher load values calculated by KFMIOP and KFMIRL, which go up to 160-180% Load?

I am trying to learn how to self tune my 1.8T 20V K03-058 (K03S) engine to max out the turbo until I get a K04-022.

- One more question, I don't understand the timing maps, shouldn't degrees BTDC go lower as we go towards peak power? In ME7 they're the opposite.

No need to touch anything other than LDRXN to achieve 1 bar request.

I think you are reading the timing map wrong.
Timing will reduced with higher load and increase with higher RPM.

You might want to read through the community tune threads. A lot of your questions will be answered there.

I suggest you do this, it seems like you are a long way from making your own tune, let alone do a K04 conversion Smiley
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« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2017, 01:18:42 AM »

It's a lot to read but this is where I started: (Community stage1 1.8t tune)
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« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2017, 06:31:14 AM »

No need to touch anything other than LDRXN to achieve 1 bar request.

I think you are reading the timing map wrong.
Timing will reduced with higher load and increase with higher RPM.

I suggest you do this, it seems like you are a long way from making your own tune, let alone do a K04 conversion Smiley

Well be gentle, we're all learning everyday. How am I reading it wrong, if I'm reading it the way its in the map? It goes from 0 degrees at idle and increases to 35 at full load and rpm. Though the map is read in *KW rather than BTDC. Brief explanation sir?

Yes I read the wiki, but it doesn't answer individual answers.
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« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2017, 12:04:36 PM »

Well be gentle, we're all learning everyday. How am I reading it wrong, if I'm reading it the way its in the map? It goes from 0 degrees at idle and increases to 35 at full load and rpm. Though the map is read in *KW rather than BTDC. Brief explanation sir?

Yes I read the wiki, but it doesn't answer individual answers.

As you go up in load timing reduces.
But as you go higher in the RPM it should increase to compensate for piston speed.

°KW is always BTDC unless there is a negative(-) value, then it's ATDC.

Take a look at these maps, this is timing maps from a S4 so they are not the same as a K03S 1.8T.
But they illustrate exactly what I'm saying.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 12:10:11 PM by KasperH » Logged
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« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2017, 01:31:15 PM »

As you go up in load timing reduces.
But as you go higher in the RPM it should increase to compensate for piston speed.

°KW is always BTDC unless there is a negative(-) value, then it's ATDC.

Take a look at these maps, this is timing maps from a S4 so they are not the same as a K03S 1.8T.
But they illustrate exactly what I'm saying.

Sorry Kasper, I really apologize man, the way I saw it in 1.8T file was the RPM axis was the X axis instead of Y. So it looks a bit more confusing for me haha. I am now looking at the Stage 1 ME7 thread, it has 46 pages and I now understand a LOT about how to tune these cars. Still on the 20th page, still reading. Thank you for the help. 1.8T maps seemed rocket science at first, but now its pretty easy, except for some threshold fine-tuning etc.

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« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2017, 03:36:31 PM »

Your welcome, it's a steep learning curve bit just keep reading and you'll get a hang of it Smiley
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