HI all
I recently got a FT232R Cable off the good old ebay. Blue KKL cable here:
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/USB-ODB2-Diagnostic-Cable-409-1-VAG-COM-OBD2-II-Lead-Win-XP-Vista-FT232RL/230994275228?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649I got out my laptop running XP, plugged the cable in, installed the correct FTSER2K.SYS driver and cable installed sucessfully and allowed me operation.
I used this cable sucessfully with the 95040 tool to reprogram my EEPROM in a ECU to de-immo. I went to load up the nefmoto software, refreshed the devices in hope it would show up in the menu, but it never. MY genuine ross-tech cable shows up straight away.
I tried on my desktop PC, running WIndows 10, and it showed up sucessfully on nefmoto software on there.
I re-installed the drivers again, using the FTDI drivers from galletto tools, the FTDI VCP drivers website and it still never showed up on my XP laptop.
Has anyone any suggestion as to why its not showing up on my laptop? It shows in device manager as COM8 with no errors present.
Any help appreciated.