I had to do this 2 days ago on the road. lol.
. I'm new this self-tuning world so I've been flashing different files for comparison (just completed my Stg3 build recently). Yes, I checksummed the file, BUT I accidentally flashed the pre-checksum file and just realized right after NefMoto completed the flash reporting "Wrote 18 of 19 sectors". WHOOPS.
Lucky I brought my custom harness and MPPS cable with me (had a feeling that this might happen). Tapped 12V (+) to my power inverter, and tapped ground to my buddy's deck removal tool that happen to be sitting on my deck for a while, haha.
It was pretty intense at first since I was by myself on a dark "DEAD END" road, but very satisfying once the ECU was recovered.
Oh, my name is RJ by the way. I've been lurking through this forum and wiki for awhile now, but I haven't really posted anything yet. I actually learned a lot from this forum. Thank You!!
After this "boot-mode-on-the-road" session I had, I've decided that it is time to start sharing in this forum
. I've been wanting to share my logs here but I want to do my best based on the wiki first so I would understand better when you guys reply and criticize my am-mature tune. Lol. Nice to meet you all.