Looks like you dislike french people.
I dislike stupidity and ignorance. Whether french or any other is irrelevant.
You start posting about stuff you don't have a good understanding of, you get people from the industry telling you how it actually works, you disregard that.
When you finally realize how it works, your first reaction is "ooh I am sure someone will make me a tool".
Get a damos for your ECU or similar ECU, find the CVN variables, disassemble file, find the access and you will find mode 9 request.
Simply load them from flash instead of loading from memory, and put the correct values into the flash which you queried before in mode 9 with any EOBD tool.
After that flash tuned file and do what you want because CVN returned will be always from what you make it return.
If you can't do it, pay someone to do it for you. It will have to be done on a per-file or at least per-ecu-type basis.