Bringing this up, do you have any news?
I found out that the MS 3 Sport is a ME7.3.1 like used in my 156 GTA, i downloaded the installation cd from the .jp Bosch Motorsport page,
it includes ModasSport, a workspace and a2l and hex file of the ECU.
Managed to flash the hex file after converting it to bin, and ecu boots up with it, also does a kwp2000 handshake with a diag tool but does not support any diagnostic function over KWP2000.
The A2L file also has the CCP definitions ;-)
Vehicle side connector is pinned out different, Cruise control button is Box speed limiter and stuff, but the electrical levels seem to match (drivers, amperage etc).
Engine side connector is pinned out almost the same.
Regarding the MSA-BOX 2, the Bosch driver is almost the same as the Actia Lite-XS driver, the Actia Basic+ XS is more different.
Lite XS has the same bootloader bin files included.
Modas Sport might even work with the default Actia drivers, i have not tested. Or you could modify the Bosch driver to accept the Actia USB Ids.
Which Actia interface did you use ? A cheap chinese clone ?
Would be cool to get this running or maybe even copy the CCP code to other ME7 ecus, or activate it if its still left in there,
because then you would have a live tuneable ME with a cool gui which parses the a2l files nicely.
Seed DLL is also included for the MS3 firmware.