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Author Topic: 8E0910560G 0010 vs 0030  (Read 2164 times)
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« on: December 14, 2018, 01:45:48 PM »

Finishing the definition that gremlin helped map out and others with the CSV. Winols is showing that while there are differences between

8E0910560G 0010


8E0910560G 0030

Its basic changes like they reduced the timing a little in 0030 vs 0010

Just confirming that im even looking at this right.. 

8E0910560G 0010 is the 0010 revision of the rom 8E0910560G and 0030 is revision three... so i can take my ECU which has 0010 on it and  update it to 0030 before starting the tuning process?

I see i can go back with boot mode and ive looked at it and created a bench for it...

#2 is Winols provides Checksum corrections which is great, but others are using Tunerpro + something else.... should i even bother... or should i make changes and have Winols correct the checksum...

That is all, and thanks for the help you all have provided. At first i was BS there wasnt more support, but forcing me to learn it better has helped in the long run.
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« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2018, 08:24:50 AM »

Confirmed on my own got another ECU pulled it out had 0010 on the physical ECU but 0030 rev when i pulled the rom.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2018, 12:48:10 PM by bamofo » Logged
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