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Author Topic: ME17.2 Ignition tables  (Read 2782 times)

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« on: December 14, 2018, 08:18:46 PM »

Hi. I am new to chip tuning. Only tuned with piggyback systems before. I am looking at the maps for a BMW S1000RR Motorcycle and see many different ignition timing maps. I know the "Full load" map is probably the main map for full open throttle. What is the "Full Load Ecnodable 2" map? It may actually be translated wrong in my winOLS map pack. Anyway I was wondering why it shows the entire map from 800RPM up to 14000RPM from 15% to 36% throttle at -96 but it shows from 8000RPM up to 14000RPM in 36% column only at -.750. Why would only that small section be so different? Thanks, just trying to learn.
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