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Author Topic: Help needed! 07 Passat TFSI Med9.1  (Read 2899 times)

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« on: December 19, 2018, 09:22:32 AM »

Hey Folks,

I've spent a quite amount of time on here reading through various topics on tuning a vw med9.1 ecus.

Given what is already on here I have managed to put together a map pack that fits the bin from my 07 Passat.

I've attempted to roughly alter relevant maps just to see whether the car will respond to any of the changes.
Unfortunately it does not, hence me needing some advice.

The plan is to give it a bit more poke, raise the boost and make sure fueling and timing is corrected. I've done it on my other cars
and bikes, but cant get my head around this one Sad

Therefore, if anyone could give me a hint/point me in the right direction as to what I am doing wrong, it would be greatly appreciated!!

I've attached my original bin, the one I've modified and the map pack I have put together.

Looking forward to your replies!

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