i use the word surging as in almost oscillating boost at higher rpm usually above 4800-5k.
while driving spiritedly, i notice the boost almost cutting down then back then down then back..almost feels like clutch slip..but it isn't. i have used my ecu and my spare one on both my car and a friends and both ecus do the same thing on both cars.
i remember seeing something similar on here but i cannot find it
i have been looking through the file and noticed that the desired load is higher than max specified. but the desired doesn't make sense to me considering i am using the basic conversion of load to psi ( load x 10 - 300 mbar -1000(atmospheric, i am sea level) ) and doing that i get 23 psi which afaik a ko3s cant hold 23 psi
am i just requesting too much boost and the ecu is blocking the request due to a max spec'd below that amount?
am i answering my own question here? would i just lower the desired and raise the max to match?
forgive me if i should have posted in noob section.
thank you