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Author Topic: Using information from DAMOS file to create xdf (A19L7)  (Read 3125 times)

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« on: December 30, 2018, 10:34:13 AM »

Hi all, to learn finding maps and setting up .xdf files  I have been trying to create an .xdf for A19l7m05.hex using A19L700.DAM
Marty posted (  , reply 14)

Reason I am doing this is to expand the .xdf ddillenger posted for a 018M.bin file (similar to the 018R in my car).

The issue I am having is the information in the .hex file at what I think are the addresses speficied in the .DAM file doesn't seem to line up.

Using KFZW as an example, KFZW information from DAMOS file (in brackets my interpretation)

1794, /SPZ, KFZW, {Zndwinkelkennfeld}, 8, $816690, $816690  --> (6690 or 16690 address of first entry in KFZW, all entries here start with $81XXXX)
/SPW, 372, -1, -96, 95.25 (372 -> w-axis/map value zw_sb_q0p75 in grad KW)
/SPX, 155, 1, 0, 10200, 2433 (155 -> x-axis variable nmot_ub_q40 in UPM,   2433 -> x-axis values SNM16ZUUB Sttzstellenverteilung Drehzahl (rpm distribution) at $8143A5))
/SPY, 231, 1, 0, 191.25, 2459 (231 -> y-axis variable rel_ub_q0p75 in %,    2439 -> y-axis values SP1_STAT_T Zeit fr die Erkennung auf sp1s station (% load) at $81420D)
/FKX, 0, 0, 0
/FKY, 0, 0, 0
/ABL, 2;

Looking at the hex file at what I thought were the addresses, I didnt get a pattern or trend in the numbers I would expect.

KFZW (starting at 0006690-> 45 31 30 44 33 31 46 32 46 34 37 34 45 30 35 44)
KFZW (starting at 0016690-> 35 45 41 45 30 46 39 0D 0A 3A 32 30 39 35 30 30)
(First line only above, from dillenger;s .xdf I know this table has 192 entires (16x12))
(Expect to see a continous decrease in values here from dillengers 018M xdf and bin)

SNM16ZUUB (starting at 00043A5 -> 33 46 30 43 36 44 41 30 30 32 34 31 44 44 34 34
SNM16ZUUB (starting at 00143A5 -> 45 36 46 44 45 30 30 30 44 41 30 30 46 46 0D 0A)
(rows 16 entires, I would expect to see a linear increase in values here))

SP1_STAT_T (starting at 000420D -> 46 30 35 36 35 43 31 35 30 30 34 35)
SP1_STAT_T (starting at 001420D -> 30 30 44 44 41 30 30 30 43 31 35 34)
(columns 12 entires, I would expect to see an increase in the values here)

Hopefully there is enough info above to explain my method to of trying to work though this..... Marty made finding maps in an 018M.bin file look easy using these A19L7 files.

Thanks from Canada

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« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2018, 05:10:51 PM »

Files referenced in initial post attached
Jr. Member

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« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2021, 04:49:55 PM »

Looking at the hex file at what I thought were the addresses, I didnt get a pattern or trend in the numbers I would expect.

You need to convert the .hex into .bin before you will find anything at the addresses specified in the .dam file. Google for hex2bin
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