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Author Topic: KFNW - AVCS/VVT (Scaling Question)  (Read 4422 times)
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« on: January 09, 2019, 07:44:26 PM »

Ive been finishing up a definition for my B6 S4 and im at the KFNW and KFNWWL or (AVCS/VVT) tables. According to some great definition work on the Mbox and yet more... and more... reading im very close. It seems the majority of the scaling that happens on the b5 s4 go pretty close to B6 S4.

Question i have is the conversion from the mbox is (x*.007813) (8bit) but in my rom it seems to be 16bit lo/hi (signed). So i end up getting an intake AVCS map that somewhat corresponds to what the logger is showing me.

Logging is showing me 27 KW at idle and when i go WOT it ranges to 30-50... which doesn't correspond to the table i have. Logger is taking a INT16 and scaling it by .00390625 which im sure is because its reported differently then its written in the ROM but im unsure.

Question is, What is the right thing here? I would like to work on the AVCS but not if

a) i dont have the scaling right
b) i cant make the logger look like my avcs table

Any confirmation on scaling would be great. Ignore the axis's on the screen shot but this is what i see. Warmup vs optimal
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« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2019, 02:35:47 AM »

Your VVT is on or off, 1 or 0, -4 or 18....

you can factor your map like you want to but the physical behaviour will not change.

your map with all of the different values is strange. how doe your stock map look?
again: its on or off, there is no inbetween

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« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2019, 06:59:31 AM »

Your VVT is on or off, 1 or 0, -4 or 18....

you can factor your map like you want to but the physical behaviour will not change.

your map with all of the different values is strange. how doe your stock map look?
again: its on or off, there is no inbetween


Hi aef,

Thanks for responding overnight for me. Those are my stock maps. When i grab the Mbox VVT map i can see its an on off scenario. but when i grab the B6S4 map i see a real AVCS table that has different values. Thing is im not sure if the B6 can go negative/positive Timing changes or if i just scaled it wrong.

Here are the sideby side B5/B6 maps. Thats why the question came up about this.
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« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2019, 07:35:42 AM »

okay sorry!
its about s4 b6 which i did not notice!

you maybe find a commercial tune so verify the changes and correct map adress
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« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2019, 07:48:07 AM »

okay sorry!
its about s4 b6 which i did not notice!

you maybe find a commercial tune so verify the changes and correct map adress

I have found that on some tunes people play with it and on some tunes they do not. My real question is how can i get confirmation on the scaling... Is there a document i can go read to pull out how KFNW works on a B6S4? I dont mind reading some more at this point.
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« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2019, 08:50:54 AM »

You can have a look in the SSP (Self Study Program) document for your engine.
You can also log your car and have a look with vcds. I think the stock file will have the min and max values already.

You have to dial it in on a dyno based on torque outcome i think.

on a old engine with just 1 and 0 you would do two runs. one with vvt active and one with inactive and this will give you the ideal switchpoint (rpm) based on both MAF logs.
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« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2019, 10:08:34 AM »

You can have a look in the SSP (Self Study Program) document for your engine.
You can also log your car and have a look with vcds. I think the stock file will have the min and max values already.

You have to dial it in on a dyno based on torque outcome i think.

on a old engine with just 1 and 0 you would do two runs. one with vvt active and one with inactive and this will give you the ideal switchpoint (rpm) based on both MAF logs.

Self Study Program on the BHF? I think i have that somewhere actually...

When i get the ecu file it shows that the offset from the raw value is degreeKW and the offset is .00390625  int16

I can rescale my maps real quick. i just cant recreate the WOT numbers this is showing...
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« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2019, 05:12:18 PM »

Scaling seems to be .007813

+ some other magic to make it right. Little trial and error figured it out. AVCS you will be mine.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2019, 08:12:48 PM by bamofo » Logged
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