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Author Topic: MED9.1 stopped working with BDM & immo problems  (Read 3212 times)
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« on: April 24, 2019, 12:00:46 PM »

i was trying to fix an MED9 ECU for an MK5 GTI, somehow the immo data on the eeprom got messed up. after a good hand full of successful flashes with FGtech V54 clone the ECU stopped responding to the BDM. the ECU still responds in the car with but the immobilizer is on. i have a good immo file for the eeprom now but i cannot get it into the ECU. i removed an  ST 95160 chip which did house the immo data, flashed it with my eeprom burner and soldered it back on but still stuck in a locked immo state. from what i read there is a second  ST 95160 somewhere that i cant seem to locate. if i can find it i will remove it as well and mirror the data over to it and it should fix the immo problem. can anyone here tell me where the second immo chip is? is it on the top of the board or am i screwed because the the second set of data is in the processor ROM?
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« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2019, 03:00:12 PM »

i made a copy of the 2k eeprom file and tried the tool posted on here to get immo off and it didnt work either. why is MED9 so difficult?!
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« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2019, 07:29:41 PM »

i made a copy of the 2k eeprom file and tried the tool posted on here to get immo off and it didnt work either. why is MED9 so difficult?!
Start with a bdm read that's known good and get more then one tool ifnyoure using clone stuff

Giving your mom a tuneup
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« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2019, 10:29:09 PM »

For what I know, MED9.1 only has got 1 eeprom on the top.
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