That's what I was afraid of. I only run one sensor in the downpipe after the turbo. My LC-1 is giving the ecm two inputs, but its reading from the one sensor. It just isn't making any snse why it would split the banks. The narrowband voltages are
almost exact at all times on all logs taken. The correction factors in the stft are also pretty close at all times also.
I'm not sure this actually matters in the end. What matters is the actual AFR, which as you have told us, you are already getting.
Two options I see here:
a) needs a way to stitch together the wideband and logging data
b) use the technique nyet is suggesting by figuring out where during a clean run you are going lean/rich w/e.
my elaboration on his suggestion:
1) pick a gear: 3rd
2) pick a minimum and maximum rpm. start with 1500 to 5500. i promise it won't be clean anyways so don't push it.
3) pick a level of aggressiveness. i'd recommend doing what you consider to be: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100
4) take these 5 pulls and gather the time-series paths including the STFT-data.
5) post the results here and we can help you modify the appropriate table.
6) change the table and re-do the logging and see what changed with the variable in question: STFT.
get it? we have to trace the shit out of the problem and figure out how to extrapolate a fix.