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Author Topic: "Tuning" by ECU swap (MED9.1)  (Read 3743 times)

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« on: May 17, 2019, 09:00:43 AM »

Hi guys,

the story in short. Due to a turbo (k03) defect I reduilt my BWA engine straight to an CDLB (TTS) engine and my Idea was, just to buy a TTS ECU from ebay to get may baby running again.....

Back from my garage and for anybody who thinks about doing the same - I must tell you - I dind't go :-(

Immo off - perfect, no problem. Changed the BWA ECU to my spare ECU out of an TTS (CDLB). Starting the engine - some minor pops, but in principle running smooth ..... but the dashboard light up like a christmas tree.

Got 3 serious errors:

012313 - Ventil für Abgasklappe 1 (N321) - P3019 - 004 - Unterbrechung -> this one I think is not a big deal, just because my "Normal" TT do not have a flap exhaust system, so the controller is missing.

005000 - Steuergerät defekt - E-Gas Überwachung  - P1388 - 004 -> This is one of the bad ones - the TTS ECU do not recognise my e gas pedal. So engine runs in saftey mode.

000256 - Luftmassenmesser (G70)  - P0100 - 002 - Versorgungsspannung -> and there's also a problem with the supply of my mass air sensor

According to the errors above also my ESP and brake controller reported some very strange errors :-)

Yeah at the end - switching back to my old BWA ECU, deleting all the errors and now everything is fine again. It's a pity but these two software versions seem to be too differnt to just swap.

CU guys and thx for all the help - have to think abaout, what I'm doing now....
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« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2019, 01:47:53 PM »

So all in all, the throttle pedal is different?
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« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2019, 03:18:30 PM »

TTS use another air mass sensor. You can change maps for your scrap enginecover-airbox or use TTS airbox and sensor, this is a very common retrofit. You need to change pinout from plug at sensor, pinout from ecu is the same. But sensor frequency it totally different.

I think there is some electric problem in ecu from 5V output, because gas pedal and air mass sensor should work.
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« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2019, 07:34:01 PM »

Why not use the original ecu and calibrate to suit

Giving your mom a tuneup

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« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2019, 03:46:05 AM »

Dear cherry,  thank you for the tip with the 5V supply - I'll go an check this later on! IT's an ECU from ebay, so it's not impossible to have a fault one.
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« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2019, 06:52:22 AM »

Try another hardware.

To the question why to use CDL base software -> Just compare AXX/BWA with some BHZ/CDL/BYD where K04 is installed from factory and you will see there are a lot of maps/axes different. So if you want to do a good K04 software you need to change a lot to make it run smooth also between part load and full load....

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« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2019, 08:42:46 AM »

You are right cherry - I'll go for a equal hardware than mine on ebay.

Meanwhile my car is running with the original software on the modified engine :-) ECU adapted to the larger injectors very well - never thought that the adaption range is that large.  Only somtimes there shows up an error "boost limit exceeded", especially when i accelerate for 3000rpm on :-)

I know - not a long term solution.
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