Guess whos back , back again

I've got a couple of questions to ask you dudes, so :
8D0906018Q/me7.5 nb 512kb KVB location - I've been trying to find this fricker for ages now, but I cant seem to be able to, as I am still a "beginner" in here, so finding single value maps arent easy specially when they untestable... like KVB, I need this because my fuel gueg is acting quite weirdly, and I am pretty sure this is because of kvb, since the function is still running, and probably the instrument / IC flash adapts to this.
Because after a reflash my gauge is higher, but if i start the car or move it, it will drop quite fast, and my average consumption is like 20l/100km ( obviousily the tune contributed too but it dropped way to fast a week ago or so)
The stock injectors are about 190cc so thats quite a difference vs 400cc+ kvb.
Is KFPRG/KFPBRK affected by pistons, say replacing/swapping for different ones.Im asking this because i have a set of aeb pistons and rods from one of the other engines I got, and I plan to drop them in when I get some rods - prolly maxspeeding( yes i know, but many people run them in EU successfully with high hp).
Now, will I need to change KFPRG and KFPBRK because of lower compression pistons/ combustion chamber increase , because I assume I do, so I guess ( when I get to that stage) I can copy paste 1.8T KFPRG map.
Stock NA pistons are 10.3 CR ( they are actually really really strong, a finnish gatetbil racer runs a turbocharged ADR , with 616 hp and 600 nm on them , only rods, cams , arp bolts are done to the motor.) so I prolly want to lower CR to run more boost, we'll see.
What are ALL the maps that affect injection quantity on cold startup, on a me7.5 narrowband. I know there is cat heating and warmup fueling. Now the issue here is that you know I am running cwmdapp 2 so I always have the same air ingested but these maps change the injection quantity, and lambda doesnt always react.
I need to null all these maps out, because say on cold start it starts really really rough, but 90C , half a key , done, runs fine etc.
I already have kat heating disabled via the maps I could find - b_kh always 0. I found KFLASWLR, and KFLANS but not the enrichement map/s. I guess one way would be to target higher lambda using these maps ?
well thats about that came to my mind right now, I'd appreciate some answers/opinions. Good day!