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Author Topic: 1.8T AMB Bosch -> Hitachi MAF Conversion  (Read 3035 times)
Jr. Member

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« on: August 13, 2019, 07:06:59 AM »

Hey guys, looking for some insight/experience here.

I’m switching over to a Hitachi MAF on my B6 A4 1.8T because I have one laying around and my car is now running a hybrid RS6/K04 turbo so the stock sensor wont fit on my TIP and will probably be maxed out on this turbo.

I was just wondering if anyone had been able to just wire in the hitachi MAF using the S4 wiki wiring diagrams and then port over MLHFM, MLMax, (KFKHFM, should be all 1’s until loggingis done and corrections made), MLOFS. Or is there a compatibility issue with the hitachi MAF on 1.8T ECU’s?

I have wired in the new MAF connector  and changed over the maps, on idle the car reads the same amount of airflow as calculated via Alpha N but as soon as you touch the pedal there is no increase in airflow and  it goes lean and stumbles/stalls, with maf unplugged it runs/drives fine logs to follow and once I have my hands on the car I will recheck the wiring work
Jr. Member

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« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2019, 10:09:13 AM »

**update** +12V supply wire had a break in it, fixed it and all is good
Snow Trooper
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« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2019, 10:12:17 AM »

looks like you got it sorted, good work.

the simple map changing is indeed all you normally need to do.

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