Hey guys !!
Well, what the title says ... I would like to know if anyone has had the same thing in Med 9.1
I explain the situation ...
Cold car, lambda heater adaptation and lambda, reset. I start the car and go for a ride. Back, adaptation of past lambda heater (I understand that it only does it from cold starts). I stand still with the engine started in idle. ALL missfire counters on all cylinders to 0. All ok.
Following the above without moving. Reset adaptation of lambda and lambda heater. I stay still with the engine in idle and before long (I don't remember if 30sg, 1 minute ...) the missfire counter of cylinder 4 starts to count missfire until it reaches 29 in less than 2 minutes I think .... and come back again.
Aim in general. that the car running and wot, there are no missfires, after rescaling maf almost does not delay ignition in wot (-1.5-2 degrees, above nothing), perfect lambdas at 0.82 and runs like a missile. change spark plugs and cylinder coils and it plays the same ... it's weird.
I would like to understand why that happens .... because the engine is perfect.
if anyone has a little idea. Good to Know. thanks!!
What are your fuel trims before you reset everything with your cable? ST and LT fuel trims before and after might point to why your seeing a random misfire.