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Author Topic: Educate me :-) map finding/understanding - which software to use  (Read 3979 times)

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Hi - I need your help and wisdom

I am an educated mech. engineer - combustion engines, emissions, turbo/supercharging etc. So my basic knowledge and understanding of how an engine works is quite good - I dare to say.
BUT - I am a noob regarding ECU's, software and all that electrical stuff that manages the engine.

I have a Peugeot 406 V6 2004 Bosch ME7.4.6.

I have managed to read the BIN-file via MPPS cable and boot mode and a demoversion of Winols.

In Winols I have located some maps that I think are related to ignition, fueling and VVT - which are my initial targets.
Since it is a demoversion I cannot save the changed BIN-file so.....

- What software to use for changing maps on a ME7.4.6 ECU? Winols in cracked version (oh no.... not legal of course :-(
- Any general way to learn to "look" at the hexdump and see maps?

I truly apprecialte any help - thoughts - wisdom - tutorials etc. on the ME7.4.6 :-) 

Best regards - Peter - Denmark - ICE-enthusiast :-)
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« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2020, 02:47:17 PM »

You can use the demo version to find the maps and then define them in Tunerpro , which allows you to save bins, you gonna have to do checksums by a third party program or buy MTX plugin for TunerPro.

I usually look at maps in 2d view looking for their shape, once you get used to it you will be able to spot them.

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« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2020, 03:52:29 AM »


I had the same thought concerning using Winols demo first to recognize the maps (it appears to be rather good at that :-)) and then use another program to actually change, save and write the BIN-file to the ecu via my MPPS cable.

However I tried to download and use TunerPro - but absolutely nothing happens when I try to open a BIN-file. I have also purchased the TunerProRT software (also to support the "owner") with same result. Any ideas?

I learned important basic stuff regarding reading hexidecimals - great reading here!

This is a great forum :-)

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« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2020, 07:57:11 AM »

Succes - so far :-)

1:  Bosch ME7.4.6 - Peugeot 406 V6 - I managed to read and write BIN-file via MPPS cable (boot mode pin 24)
2: TunerProRT served as software to change KFZW and KFZW2 and also SNM16ZUUB

I found a XDF-file from another post. If you have quality checked XDF for this ECU you are most welcome to send it to me.

Goal was to advance ignition at medium to high load (60-100 kPa inlet manifold pressure) and to raise rev-limiter to 7000 rpm.
My thought was that SNM16ZUUB is the rev-limiter but changing the max value "625" to "700" made no difference. The engine still wont rev past 6300-ish rpm. My initial idea was that "625" refered to 6250 rpm - I may be wrong?

Any ideas are appreciated.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2020, 07:59:53 AM by peterlundorf » Logged
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« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2020, 10:44:39 AM »

There is literally no way SNM16ZUUB is related to a rev limiter. If you just randomly picked it by value, don't do that.

There are 5000+ maps in ME7

ME7.1 tuning guide
ECUx Plot
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Trim heatmap tool

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« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2020, 12:03:34 PM »

Indeed, SNM16ZUUB is the axis for KFZW and similar maps from nmot. It is not the rev limiter you seek.

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« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2020, 02:12:07 AM »

Thanks for the feedback regarding rev-limiter

I have only changed KFZW and KFZW2 - now they are quite identical in the midrange to max rpm/load.

Test 1 was to see if the ignition advance can stay constant in this range so I set it at "25" in the map.
From my OBD scan tool (Auterra) I can see life ignition advance when driving.

Results are that ignition still changes a lot during acceleration. For example at 2500 rpm and 50-60% throttle (85-95 kPa in the inlet manifold) it retards ignition to around 16-18 deg. and slowly advances towards maybe only 22-23 deg. It never actually seems to reach the nominel value (or very rarely) and at WOT it retards ignition to 12-18 deg. - just as before I changed KFZW and KFZW2.

Is there a specific map for WOT ignition timing - or is it because other factors like lambda >1 and delta rpm/ignition is being adjusted elsewhere during WOT?

Or should I just try to adjust KFZW and KFZW2 until I reach my goals?

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« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2020, 02:29:56 AM »

KFZW only provides basic ignition angle called zwgru(which is already influnced by knock shift limit  and nws etc), this will be changed by many things like knock control, torque control and iat and the stars pretty much. It is almost never 1:1 to kfzw map.

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« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2020, 11:45:04 PM »

Hi -

Noob-Peter here from Denmark/EU - ME7.4.6 - Peugeot 406 V6

I have been playing around with ignition timing in KFZW and KFZW2 maps and have experienced good things with fuel consumption and torque in the low to midrange rev and power band through earlier ignition. 10% decrease in fuel consumption and 8% gain in peak torque.

But I am still not able to control ignition timing at WOT - the timing cuts back to its "own" desired level - more or less regardless of what I do to the map.

So I wondered..... have I got it right with the axis? Here are my thoughts on the axis (see attached picture of KFZW map):
- RPM (3.5-625 on the Y-axis)
- manifold pressure (? 13-133 on the X-axis).

If I look up NMAX at location 0x1630A it says "107" as value which makes me think, that the X-axis is rpm (?) - I am a little confused as you can see.

Looking forward to hear from all you experienced people out there.

And I am still aiming to raise the rev-limiter - so If anyone has an idea - please share.


Anyone to help me clear up my mind? :-)

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« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2020, 11:47:12 PM »

Pointless to guess without logs

And no, load is not the same as manifold pressure.

ME7.1 tuning guide
ECUx Plot
ME7Sum checksum
Trim heatmap tool

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