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Author Topic: strange KFVPDKSD and KFVPDKSE  (Read 3058 times)
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« on: September 09, 2020, 12:20:16 AM »

Hi all. I found these difference between stock files 032hn , 032hs and 018h.
I verified all formulas and values and axis for all 3 and they are correctly defined.
Something is strange there , or i'm wrong?

0.95   1   1.05   1.10   1.15   1.20   1.25   1.29   1.34   1.40   1.45   1.5

0.95   1   1.05   1.10   1.15   1.20   1.25   1.29   1.34   1.40   1.45   1.5

0.65   0.7   0.75   0.8   0.85   0.9   0.95   1   1.05   1.1   1.15   1.2

« Last Edit: October 19, 2022, 10:47:47 AM by tao13 » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2022, 11:00:49 AM »

After 2 years i returned to this post because sincerly i don;t understood why for the k03 turbo witch is used for 032hn/hs the crack wastagate pressure is higher than k04 used in 018h and from here the n75 is used from higher pressure for k03.
I tested in time, k03 had 0.4 bar spring and k04 had 0.6 spring , but if we look in the KFVPDKSD and KFVPDKSE tables they show other things, if i understood well.
In 018h values are higher than PSPVDKUG from 0.9 axis value and for 032hn/hs from 1.25.
If we decrease these axis values wirh armo pressure = 1 result for 018h -0.1 and for 032hs/hn 0.25.
So for this pressure the n75 is used. Please tell me if i wrong!
I tested 5120 hack too for 032hs and for 018h files .
With 018h throttle can not work more than 50% only if CWPLGU is 1.
Please let me understand if CWPLGU affect both tables?
I want to modify these tables for an wastegate spring 1bar, if i understood well i must apply 2 (1 bar atmo + 1 bar spring) / 1.6 (1 bar atmo + 0.6 bar srping for 018h) = 1.25 procent to all axis values, right?
If apply this will result an axis like this:
0.81   0.88   0.94   1.00   1.06   1.12   1.19   1.25   1.31   1.38   1.44   1.50
This is not so good, because i must have 2bar (1 bar atmo +1 bar spring) as axis RIGHT?
Other thing , please let me know if we can have only 0.95 and 1 values in table , not other like in stock like 0.9633....and others like this.

Thanks in advance

« Last Edit: October 19, 2022, 11:19:42 AM by tao13 » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2022, 09:38:05 PM »

After 2 years i returned to this post because sincerly i don;t understood why for the k03 turbo witch is used for 032hn/hs the crack wastagate pressure is higher than k04 used in 018h and from here the n75 is used from higher pressure for k03.
I tested in time, k03 had 0.4 bar spring and k04 had 0.6 spring , but if we look in the KFVPDKSD and KFVPDKSE tables they show other things, if i understood well.
In 018h values are higher than PSPVDKUG from 0.9 axis value and for 032hn/hs from 1.25.
If we decrease these axis values wirh armo pressure = 1 result for 018h -0.1 and for 032hs/hn 0.25.
So for this pressure the n75 is used. Please tell me if i wrong!
I tested 5120 hack too for 032hs and for 018h files .
With 018h throttle can not work more than 50% only if CWPLGU is 1.
Please let me understand if CWPLGU affect both tables?
I want to modify these tables for an wastegate spring 1bar, if i understood well i must apply 2 (1 bar atmo + 1 bar spring) / 1.6 (1 bar atmo + 0.6 bar srping for 018h) = 1.25 procent to all axis values, right?
If apply this will result an axis like this:
0.81   0.88   0.94   1.00   1.06   1.12   1.19   1.25   1.31   1.38   1.44   1.50
This is not so good, because i must have 2bar (1 bar atmo +1 bar spring) as axis RIGHT?
Other thing , please let me know if we can have only 0.95 and 1 values in table , not other like in stock like 0.9633....and others like this.

Thanks in advance

Hi, i think i had similar problem (Files J and H almost identical). See my topic:
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« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2022, 11:42:49 PM »

Hi Nupustas. I drove with CWPLGU =1 from 1 year but i had some throttle hesittation and throttle cut , especialy when my dsg , change gears.
For this i whant to change KSE and KSD.
But i don't understood the axis. They don;t respect any formula/methode what i found on nefmoto and in wiki to. In FR is not described this thing about axis.
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« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2022, 04:52:21 AM »

Hi Nupustas. I drove with CWPLGU =1 from 1 year but i had some throttle hesittation and throttle cut , especialy when my dsg , change gears.
For this i whant to change KSE and KSD.
But i don't understood the axis. They don;t respect any formula/methode what i found on nefmoto and in wiki to. In FR is not described this thing about axis.
If you read my topic,you get answer in almost all your questions. Prj explainedvery well. First,set cwplgu1 means nothing until you  made new kse and ksd axis and map. With cwplgu1 axis became pressure: 1means ambiente, 1.5 - 0.5bar boost etc. According to your wgdc=0 log,you will get max possible axis value,so set all axis  a bit higher. After that,according rpm set kse/ksd maps. Filling these maps is enough 0.94 and 1.00,also you can add extra values before 1.00,for example 0.98- this not affect anything,but i heard it can help to save throttle body.
P.S. about dsg cant comment anything
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« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2022, 07:30:35 AM »

Thanks for your time. It is what i understood me too. I was confused about values 0.94-1 . I will rise axis more than i had.
I will inform you if i have some changes.
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« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2022, 07:33:50 AM »

Thanks for your time. It is what i understood me too. I was confused about values 0.94-1 . I will rise axis more than i had.
I will inform you if i have some changes.
before making any changes, be sure that your xdf or other definition file is correct. I found there is mistake in most 018H files from this forum - mixed x and y axis of kse/ksd maps
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« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2022, 07:51:38 AM »

Tables definistions and stock values for them and for pressure axis:
KFVPDKSD - 0x15BFA conversion X*0.00003053 ,  rpm 0x12FF6 and pressure 0x130EC with conversion x*0.000061
KFVPDKSE - 0x15D1A conversion X*0.00003053 ,  rpm 0x12FF6 and pressure 0x130EC with conversion x*0.000061
Now, if i understood well with CWPLGU stock = 0 , from pressure axis not extract 1 ((ambiental preassure), only if CWPLGU =1.
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« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2022, 08:37:00 AM »

looks ok, but you can double check with confirmed info (attached). With cwplgu=0, axis is pressure between throtlle plate - really messed and i dont know how to set correctly. Easiest way is cwplgu=1. In photo my map, i have about 1bar wgdc=0, so you should get similar maps(ofcourse dont copy paste without adjunsting to your setup)
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« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2022, 12:34:25 PM »

They looks ok.
I rised pressurre axis.....nothing changes. I have the 1 bar spring too, from garrette.
I had a bad throttle cut around 4000-4600 , and for this cause i tried to modify these tables, but see is not from here.
About CWPLGU = 0 (like stock , in 032hs and 032hn is 0 too) , for me the stock axis doesn't have sense.
What it is strange with 032hs with 5120 hack too with stock CWPLGU = 0  without ani pressure axis modifications for these tables, the car works ok, i can make WOT 100%. With 018H only if CWPLGU =1.
Thanks for your confirmations and answers NUPUSTAS
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