⚠️⚠️⚠️I can't tell if this is saying that I reused a password on Nefmoto that I used somewhere else that was breached? Or if Nefmoto was breached?⚠️⚠️⚠️
The image below is a screenshot from my google account, where it notified me that my nefmoto account was affected by a 3rd party data breach and I should change my nefmoto password.. I am a little confused by the way they have worded their alert but as a precaution i guess now is a good time to offer you all a friendly heads up by encouraging you that you all think about any important passwords that you also use on your nefmoto account and possibly you might use the same password w/ your email, facebook, (god forbid but maybe you do) bank account (that should always be a very unique password) and just be safe.. for some of you this could be very significant. also as a friendly reminder, 2FA when available! 2FA is your friend guise! always!