Looks a lot like Simos18.
There is a CRC checksum block at 0x300 in CBOOT/ASW1/CAL (block0/block1/block4) and 0x0 in ASW2/ASW3 (block2/block3).
The checksum looks like: 4 bytes of checksum data, 1 byte telling how many regions were summed, and then n 4-byte region_start:region_end specifiers for the region that is checksummed.
Checksum tool here:
https://github.com/bri3d/VW_Flash/blob/master/checksumsimos18.pyPlease note that these CRC regions for CBOOT are hardcoded in SBOOT - that is, even if you get clever and alter the region specifiers in the checksum header, the same areas in CBOOT are still checksummed. There is no reason to do this anyway as the correct checksum is trivial to calculate (see tool above).
Then there is an RSA signed SHA256 hash at the end of each block. This is not altered but is instead bypassed in all tools I am aware of by turning RSA off. This is done by patching a development mode ECU check. Unlike ME7 or older ECUs with RSA, the public keys are in OTP and can't be overwritten, so it's easier to turn it off than to try to do it "right" like ME7Sum does for ME7.
Maybe my Simos18 documentation can help you:
https://github.com/bri3d/VW_Flash/blob/master/docs.md .
I am working on a write-up targeted at this forum and audience to be released soon, along with some more detail about SBOOT and how to find the AES keys.
I will quickly drop some hints here, sorry if they are scattered as I am in a bit of a rush:
SBOOT comes in two halves, the actual SBOOT and what I'll call the "OTP part". The "OTP part" of SBOOT starts at 80014000 and seems to be written in the end-of-line manufacturing of the ECU. It is flagged with OTP by Tricore, so it cannot be written ever again.
The OTP part of SBOOT starts with an export table at 80014000. References to anything in 80014000-80014090 from other parts of software are calling into the cryptography library in SBOOT. The export at 80014088 in Simos18 is essentially "AES_SetKeyMaterial" and thus by finding XRef to this export from CBOOT (the XRef will be in the UDS 0x34 TransferData handler itself in all cases I have seen), you can find the location of the TransferData AES keys in a flash dump.
The OTP part next has some blank space followed by the Tricore device identifier right at 80014200 (to marry the OTP with this specific ECU), followed by the Tricore flash memory unlocking passwords or "boot passwords" (specific to the device) at 8001420C.
After the passwords, there's a cryptography library containing CRC, AES, SHA256, and PKCS #1 RSA used to sign the SHA256, as well as the public key material used to verify the RSA signatures. The library starts off with obvious constants tables for CRC, AES, SHA256, and a PKCS#1-SHA256-RSA header which is injected into the RSA signature to pass into a standard PKCS verification library (I guess they thought storing the PKCS header in the flash would be too obvious).
I am assuming Simos12 is the same based on what I have seen in your files so far, maybe I am wrong, but I hope this helps.