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Author Topic: ME 7.5 Idle Tuning  (Read 13920 times)
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« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2021, 12:59:42 AM »

Datasheet for the MAF sensor you are using. If you are using a stock MAF sensor in a large housing, make sure the output is scaled correctly for each voltage input compared to stock, including MLOFS.

With non-zero MLOFS its a bit trickier but you should able to use matlab or rudimentary algebra to check your results.

Well as far as I know, I have to scale stock MAF linearization by increase in area. I don't know anything about scaling MLOFS. Could you please tell what should happen to MLOFS?

Thank you again
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« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2021, 02:50:31 PM »

Can you specify what you did to the PID?


Nobody replies so I have decided to share my findings.
Beside MAF linearization my problem was the IDLE CONTROL. In particular module LLRRMM.
It is controlling IDLE by controlling torque via ignition angle.
dmllr_w is the varialbe that affects mizsol_w.

I could not imagine that IDLE PID was the problem. Because the engine is heavily modified LLRRMM need to manage less torque to maintain steady IDLE. The stock idle PID was overreacting because the angular momentum and produced torque of the modified engine differs from the stock. It looks like the IDLE PID was constantly increasing and decreasing torque by decreasing and increasing igniton via dmllr_w and the increase/decrease steps where to big . That is the whole story.

I have recalibrated the IDLE PID and now all is fine again. Ignition angle does not oscillates and the RPM is steady.

Still I have the problem with MAF linearization. As I wrote in my previous post I have used already all kinds of formulas to linearize my 98mm maf housing. No matter how I calculate it, it is still not right. Is there a specific approach to linearize custom maf housings?

Thank you



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« Reply #17 on: August 22, 2021, 02:18:40 PM »

I would really like to know as well, my car have the exact same problem.
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