I've a car here with Garrett GTX2867 Gen II turbos, which works perfectly fine at
wped_w > ~50-60% but everything less than that, will cause surge issues at the
lower 2-3.5k rpm area. I've attached a log that captures only this problem and I think
the problem might be is that for some reason wdkba starts to go down around 6-7%
which might not be enough and the pressure builds up pre-throttle. At least that is
my theory. I could not figure out the actual culprit yet, so I would like to ask the more
knowledgeable to have a quick look and fix my stupidity please
KFVPDKSD/E should be fine as I've accounted for the 0.9 bar wastegate springs and
I've also made sure that msdk_w follows mshfm_w.
Thank you.