newest newbie humbly asks for guidance on preferred system setup
Hey all!
I've read through a lot of pages and I have been trying a few different cables/adapters that have been accumulated over the years but not having any success getting any to work with the ME7EEPROM or the NefAuto apps. So if you don't mind, I will mention what my goals are and hopefully someone can guide me towards what I need to have for a proper setup.
My current target is the ME7.3H4 ECU and then hopefully some digging into the associated CFC231 TCU.
So for starters, what software and system/OS should I be using to do the communication with these modules? (I'd prefer to stay away from setting up VMs if possible)
What is the preferred cable for connecting to these devices that works with the recommended OS in my previous question? I followed a lot of links in previous threads that have become outdated so it'd be great if I can finally find one that will work for exactly what I need in this case.
Software-wise, what is the preferred tools for simple reading & writing to the devices? I've read about the tools for checksum correction, so I am aware of that part.
Any & all help is greatly appreciated! And I promise that I will not be "that guy" who straight-out asks for tunes! lol

Best wishes,