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Author Topic: Back to stock, part number questions  (Read 2491 times)

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« on: August 23, 2021, 05:52:54 AM »

So my experience trying to program MED9.1 ECUs has been a mess. At this point I’ve spent more money than I’ve needed to. My car is running now (immo delete ECU) but my cluster isn’t happy so no hvac and hazards flash for the first three minutes.

I found an ECU, cluster, and keys from an 05 at a reasonable price.

ECU part number is different on the last letter. G versus B and the cluster is different on the last 951 N versus 981 N.

The cluster does have the color screen while mine is the more basic red.

It was an automatic car and mine is manual but that i had previously been able to change the coding via VCDS.

Downside mileage and VIN stores won’t be correct but I’m ok with that.

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« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2021, 01:13:05 AM »

now ask your question

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« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2021, 06:01:20 PM »

now ask your question
Will I have any issues using this set?

My potential concerns being an 05 has a different engine code than 08 if anything is run different because of that. And is going from one display type to the other just plug and play or anything needed to be coded differently?

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« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2021, 07:56:46 AM »

Will I have any issues using this set?

My potential concerns being an 05 has a different engine code than 08 if anything is run different because of that. And is going from one display type to the other just plug and play or anything needed to be coded differently?

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the super early 05 has a different engine, the compression ratio, shape of the combustion chambers, and other small changes like hpfp pressure sensor is not the same setup. Was the key not paired with the cluster? Because the immo off ecu should work and not cause any issues unless the the key is not right for the car. Also, if you can provide the eeprom dump from the original ecu. the skc can be extracted and at that point you should be able to use vcds to login and adapt the key. youll need to have the original ecu in the car to do this tho


Giving your mom a tuneup

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« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2021, 04:28:54 PM »

Short answer, no key the key is not paired with cluster.

Long answer, incoming. I had a long day of work and just relaxing at the moment.

The eBay seller selling the setup sent me a low offer so I bought it and it’s incoming right now.

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« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2021, 05:02:54 PM »

Long story broken down some. Bought car non-running, PREVIOUS owner bricked the ECU trying to perform a Eurodyne tune. Which caused little to no communication to the ECU, fans come on after keys on, no check engine light up. He sent it somewhere (remain nameless for now) that charged $270 to fix the ECU... Ha.

1. I bought a used ECU, matching part number, installed communicates as it should. I should have just towed it a dealership and paid to have it adapted.
2. Tried buying a china Ktag to BDM either ECU with a new file, base file for the original ECU, couldn't get it to communicate. Tried same with replacement ECU.
3. Ended up buying an Autel IM508 to be able to pull PINs. Successfully, I thought to adapt the ECU to the cluster, VIN swapped to ECU and read but couldn't program keys. During this step somehow messed up the cluster, def error.
4. Bought a used cluster, attempted to adapt the cluster to the ECU, keep getting communication issues.
5. Sent out the ECU to get immo delete, came back, car starts, but hazards after start and no hvac, immo faults.

So that's where I'm at right now. Hoping that just swapping over a set of already matched parts will work but trying to make sure it won't cause other problems in the process... Ideally at some point I'd like to have my VIN loaded properly and the original mileage back in, but I'm not pushing my luck. I figure I at least have a fallback "running" setup in the meantime.
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