It's not diagnostic limit, it's scaling limit IIRC in ECU. Or the scaling limit is close to that.
Scaling limit?
i know load max at 12,75ms (8bit, 255*0,05 = 12,75), but not sure what you mean with scaling?
Just took it for diagnostic as it will max at 16.32 but it will inject more (:
Throttle angle?
I noticed that my AGU only goes to 82,9% WOT (Using pedal and manuel on the throttle)
-Original throttle axis goes from 77% to 94% so it will interpolate between those columns! (Example: going from 8ms in 77% to 10ms in 94% will land you just under 9ms at WOT - 82,9%)
anyone else notice that? or is it just my throttle that's worn? (Changed axis to 82% so I could use the whole map)