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Author Topic: Read ME7.1.1 keeps failing  (Read 1667 times)

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« on: October 12, 2021, 04:08:11 AM »

Hi, I'm trying to read an ME7.1.1 EEPROM from a 2004 Audi A8 4.2 BFM (ECU part num 4E0 907 560) so I can recover the SKC but it keeps failing.  I have tested the cable with my A6 2.7T and it reads fine, so I'm confident that my cheapo ebay KKL cable is ok.  Here's what happens with v1.31 and 1.40 -

.\me7_95040.exe -p 4 -b 10400 --OBD -r ecu.bin
Ver: 1.31
Com Port: 4
Baud Rate: 10400
Opening COM4 ... OK
Initiating communication ... FAIL. (error=0x01)
Closing COM4

.\ME7EEPROM.exe -p 4 -b 10400 -r ecu.bin --OBD
ME7_EEPROM v1.40
COM: 4, Baud Rate: 10400
Opening COM4 ... OK
Initiating communication ... FAIL. (error=0x50101)
Closing COM4

I've tried different baud rates but still no good, eg -

.\ME7EEPROM.exe -p 4 -b 9600 -r ecu.bin --OBD
ME7_EEPROM v1.40
COM: 4, Baud Rate: 9600
Opening COM4 ... OK
Initiating communication ... FAIL. (error=0x50001)
Closing COM4

I've read lots of posts saying that v1.40 does not always work but 1.31 should be ok, but I'm not getting anywhere with this.  Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong?


Hero Member

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« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2021, 04:21:48 AM »

Have to bench bootmode it. Couldnt get it to work either in car.
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« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2021, 04:49:14 AM »

I've also never had success in the car

Always bench it works everytime

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« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2021, 06:45:49 AM »

I've also never had success in the car

Always bench it works everytime

Thanks for your help guys!  I've managed to read the eeprom now after a little trial and error -

.\ME7EEPROM.exe -p 4 -r ecu.bin --bootmode 95P08 --CSpin P6.3
ME7_EEPROM v1.40
COM: 4, Baud Rate: 10400
Memory type: 95P08, size: 1024
Chip Select pin: P6.3
Opening COM4 ... OK
Starting Boot_mode ... uC ID response 0xD5 ... OK
Sending Loader + MonitorCore ... MonitorCore successfully launched
Reading IDCHIP ... 0x0C43: C167CS ... OK
Initializing registers ... OK
Sending EEPROM driver ... OK
Configuring SPI Interface ... OK
Checking EEPROM Status Register ... 0x00F0
Reading EEPROM ... OK
File saved
Closing COM4

However, the whole point of this was to retrieve the SKC, and this doesn't look right to me.  I was expecting a 4-digit SKC but there's 5 digits below.  I've changed/removed some of the details below as I don't want to post my real VIN and SKC on t'interweb :-)

.\eepromtool_04.exe --in ecu.bin
Read in 1024bytes
Found 1024b bin - parsing as a R32 bin - experimental
ERROR: 1024byte file detected, but the last 512bytes are not all padded with 0xFF, this file is may be a corupt dump, a cluster dump or something other than an eeprom dump, open it with a hex editor - if this is a valid eeprom please post the file and vehicle info on the thread for this tool
EEPROM Status:
- Type: ECU_eeprom
- Version: Immo3
- VIN: WAUZZZ4E75N[removed] (Audi 2005 - A8 2003 on, Neckarsulm, Germany; Mlada Boleslav)
- SKC: 061234          <- not the real SKC, but 5 digits starting with a 6
- Immobiliser: On
- Checksum: Invalid Checksum
- Size: 1024bytes - 512bytes expected, check this is a eeprom bin
- Cluster Code: [removed]
- P0601 DTC: not set
- Immo ID: [removed]
- Softcoding ID: [removed]
- Tuner Tag:
- Flash Programming (successful): 0
- Flash Programming (attempts): 0

Can anyone confirm if a D3 A8 should have a 5-digit SKC starting with a 6 or is this wrong?
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