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Author Topic: ME7sum not working  (Read 6926 times)
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« on: April 14, 2022, 03:46:56 AM »

I've used ME7sum several times before and it has worked flawlessly, but now that im trying to use it on an 018CB file, i get this error:
 *** ABORTING! 1 uncorrectable error(s) in inn.bin! ***

I've tried running the program as administrator, on several diffrent computers but that doesent seem to be the problem. It looks like the program cant find the CRC tables?
The file im editing is the 018CB that TTQS shared that is supposedly fully defined. But ESKONF wasnt in there so i had to add that myself, i think i did this correctly but it was my first time doing this.

When i was altering several diffrent maps i got an error from WinOLS that stated the maps i was editing was in "unprotected memory areas" maybe this has something to do with it?

Any help will be greatly appriciated   Smiley

This is the full error i get:
C:\Users\Sigurd Myhre\Desktop\ECU\Me7sum>me7sum inn.bin out.bin
ME7Sum (v1.1.2) [Management tool for Bosch ME7.x firmwares]
Inspiration from Andy Whittaker's tools and information.
Written by 360trev and nyet [BSD License Open Source].

Attempting to open firmware file 'inn.bin'

Step #1: Reading ROM info ..
 Searching for EPK signature...OK
 Searching for ECUID table...OK
 EPK         : '41/1/ME7.5/5/4019.XX//X24bi/Dst5i/050302/'
 Part Number : '8N0906018CB '
 Engine ID   : '24QVCGB1.HEX    '
 SW Version  : 'EU3 '
 HW Number   : '0261206795'
 SW Number   : '0000000000'

Step #2: Reading ROMSYS ..
 Startup section: word[0x008000]+word[0x00FFFE]
 @08038 Add=0x0000C861 CalcAdd=0x0000C861  ADD OK
 All param page: word[0x010000]+word[0x01FFFE]
 @01be18 Add=0x00971D CalcAdd=0x00971D  ADD OK

Step #3: Finding CRC table(s) ..
 Searching for CRC table(s)...missing
 Searching for CRC table(s) using fallback...UNDEFINED
Step #3: ERROR! Couldn't find CRC table(s)

Step #4: Reading RSA signatures ..
 Searching for RSA offset #0...OK
 Searching for RSA offset #1...OK
         Signature: @8fe84-8ff04
           Modulus: @167c0-16840
          Exponent: @16840 = 3
 Searching for MD5 ranges...OK
 MD5 Block Offset Table @1679c [32 bytes]:
 1) 0x00010002-0x00013FFE
 2) 0x00014252-0x00017F4E
 3) 0x00018192-0x0001FBDC
 4) 0x00026A00-0x0002FFFC
 EncrMD5: 72 c3 8b 45 df 0c de 0f 9c 67 54 bb f2 be 10 e6
 CalcMD5: 4e c1 02 18 6e f3 e6 d1 af d3 0e 26 88 b8 e4 2f
 ** FIXED **

Step #5: Reading Main Data CRC/Checksums ..
 Searching for main data CRC pre block...missing
 Searching for main data CRC/csum blocks...OK
 Searching for main data CRC offsets...missing
 Searching for main data checksum offsets...OK
 Main Checksums:
 1) 0x010002-0x013FFE CalcCSM: 001328ED
 2) 0x014252-0x017F4E CalcCSM: 00287E26
 3) 0x018192-0x01FBDC CalcCSM: 00446B6E
 4) 0x026A00-0x02FFFC CalcCSM: 00C5561A
 @8ff04 CSM: 00C569FF CalcCSM: 00C5561A ** FIXED **

Step #6: ROMSYS Program Pages
 Program pages: 8k page first+last in 0x0000-0xFFFF and 0x20000-0xFFFFF
 @00803c Add=0xA75A0F CalcAdd=0xA75A0F  ADD OK

Step #7: Reading Main Program Checksums ..
 Searching for main program checksum..OK
 ROM Checksum Block Offset Table @1f9ac [16 bytes]:
 1) 0x000000-0x00FBFF CalcChk: 48D0A117
    0x00FC00-0x01FFFF CalcChk: 214681E1 CalcCRC: 2A01E730 SKIPPED
 2) 0x020000-0x0FFFFF CalcChk: 44F94FC1
 @fffe0 Chk: 4503017D CalcChk: 44F94FC1 ** FIXED **

Step #8: Reading Multipoint Checksum Blocks ..
 Searching for multipoint block descriptor #1...missing
 Searching for multipoint block descriptor #2...OK
 1) <1fbde>  0x000000-0x003FFF Chk: 0FA0F5CF Boot: (whitelisted) OK
 2) <1fbee>  0x004000-0x007FFF Chk: 0F4716B3 Boot: (whitelisted) OK
 3) <1fbfe>  0x000000-0x003FFF Chk: 0FA0F5CF CalcChk: 0FA0F5CF OK
64) <1ffce>  0x0F4000-0x0F7FFF Chk: 1FFFE000 CalcChk: 1FFFE000 OK
65) <1ffde>  0x0F8000-0x0FBFFF Chk: 1FFFE000 CalcChk: 1FFFE000 OK
66) <1ffee>  0x0FC000-0x0FFFFF Chk: 1FFDE002 CalcChk: 1FFDE002 OK
 Multipoint #2: [66 blocks x <16> = 1056 bytes]

Step #9: Looking for rechecks ..

*** Found 70 checksums in inn.bin

*** ABORTING! 1 uncorrectable error(s) in inn.bin! ***

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« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2022, 03:49:42 AM »

Oh, almost forgot, this is the modified BIN im trying to checksum.
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« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2022, 04:01:08 AM »

After some diging around it looks like im not the only one with the problem on this file, unless Nyet has fixed this issue recently ill have to look for an 0003 version myself and see if that works any better Smiley
« Last Edit: April 14, 2022, 04:38:03 AM by Norwegian1.8T » Logged
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« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2022, 10:46:23 AM »

When using the built in WinOLS checksum tool, it says that all checksums are active and updated. Tried the new .bin in me7check but i get 1 error, it says it cant find CRC32 tables. It also findes 70 cheksums but winols finds 74, so maybe winols is right and me7sum is mad because it cant find the crc tables. Im anyways going to try to flash it, if it fails i can just bootmode it anyways. Will post more discoveries Smiley
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« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2022, 12:30:11 PM »

If anyone has got this same problem, dont be like me and read the whole thread before you ask something on an public forum..   Roll Eyes
I got the .OLS from here:
And apparently, these are pre-production ECU files that are not functionable to use as .bin, only as defenitions.
I tried to flash the .bin onto my car and it obviously it resaulted in a crank no start..

Hope this helps someone else that might have the same problem  Grin
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