Thanks for the info. By 'has full definitions', do you mean the descriptions for each 'setting', or the actual number/totality of the settings?
Locations for maps in the flash
Are these xdf files akin to the .inf files that accompany windows drivers?
Not even remotely applicable. There is pretty much nothing from windows that is even remotely related. Windows knowledge is totally useless.
If I have a bin file, I assume I also need the corresponding def and xml files?
You need a xdf or .kp (or full ols). No clue what that post is, it seems useless.
found 8D0907551M-0001.bin and 8D0907551M-0002.bin on How can I determine the differences between the two (which one to try)?
For mapping purposes, the are the same. If you are doing ASM changes, no.
On the same site, in the defs directory, there are several files that appear to be used with an M bin file. What is the purpose of the csv and kp files and do these files go with a specific bin file?
.kps are mappacks for winols (analogous to .xdf for tuner pro)
.csvs are just there for people who want locations in a portable/universal format.