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Author Topic: KFZWA/KFZWOPA?  (Read 1681 times)

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« on: November 04, 2022, 12:31:16 PM »

What are these, have them in a VR5 file alongside the normal KFZW/KFZWOP, but they aren't mentioned in the FR
Hero Member

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« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2022, 01:20:01 PM »

Because FR you are looking at is not for your engine.
These are used when exhaust camshaft is adjusted.

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« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2022, 03:55:39 PM »

Because FR you are looking at is not for your engine.
These are used when exhaust camshaft is adjusted.

Thank you. I will do some logging tomorrow to confirm what is happening. So far, at high RPM (exhaust in basic position), I'm fairly sure the timing is an interpolation between KFZWA2 and KFZWA, using fnwue, as shown in the FR. Will populate with some different values to confirm if KFZW is used at all.
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« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2022, 04:17:54 PM »

On some cars there are 4 maps and depending on camshaft position it is interpolating between these four.
It depends what adjustment you have on your camshaft.

If you have NWS on intake camshaft and exhaust then all four maps are used.

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« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2022, 09:40:04 AM »

Yes my car has regulation on intake and 2 position on exhaust, with KFZW/KFZW2 KFZWA/KFZWA2

From my testing, there is interpolation between KFZW/KFZWA,  using fnwue I think, at high RPM (exhaust in "basic" position). I've not tested it, but I assume then KFZW2/KFZWA2 are used when the exhaust cam is adjusted. aka around idle. Will go over the logs I've got some more to try and confirm.

The tables themselves also show this correlation, with KFZW/KFZWA having the same values and KFZW2/KFZWA2 having the same values, which makes sense if the map pairs are used for the different exhaust cam states.
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