Could you please clarify for novices the meaning of all ID parts?
I use this,43.0.html, and it shows me:
8d0907551d 0261 206 382 1037 35 0243 ME7.1
Hardware #: 8d0907551d
Part #: 0261 206 382
Software #: 1037 35 0243
Type: ME7.1
But here are the questions that pesonaly I as a novice faced with:
1. What is the meaning of Part # at all?
2. What is the meaning of each digit group in Part #?
3. Why Part # alway starts with 0261 and this group is often ignored?
4. What is the meaning of each digit group in Software #?
5. Which ECU and XDF files match, those that have equal Hardware#, those that have equal Hardware# and Part# or those that have all # equal?
I tried to find any menaningful explanation on the web but with no success
Thanks in advance