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Author Topic: PD150 - Snapped Glow Plug displaying EML 038906019KG EDC15P - SOLVED  (Read 2988 times)

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Good Morning,

I've owned my 2003 golf PD150 for about 5 years now and ever since I've had it, it's had a snapped glow plug on cylinder 2. We've tried to remove this a few times, however the previous owner has added weld to the top of it and the only way now to remove it would be to drill it out / remove the head.

Now the car starts and runs fine, so I don't really want to be doing that (I know I know, this is the proper way to do it).

The car displays an engine management light which is quite annoying and i'd like to disable the code for cylinder 2. The code is P0672 -35-00 (17056) Cylinder 2 Glow Plug Circuit (Q11) Electrical Fault.

Is there anyway that this DTC can be mapped out of the code and if so, can anyone point me in the right direction of doing so please? I can post the .bin file if needed.

ECU code: 038906019KG

Thoughts? Beside fixing the actual problem which i'm definitely trying to avoid taking the head off.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2023, 10:33:25 AM by Rado20vt » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2023, 09:41:58 AM »

search for 17056 decimal (16bit LoHi), next to it you find 01650 (0672 hex),
than the error counter follows and right after you'll find the healing counter.
Max out the error counter, set the healing counter to zero and you should be done.
take 17059 to compare, it's already deactivated.

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« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2023, 01:14:14 PM »

search for 17056 decimal (16bit LoHi), next to it you find 01650 (0672 hex),
than the error counter follows and right after you'll find the healing counter.
Max out the error counter, set the healing counter to zero and you should be done.
take 17059 to compare, it's already deactivated.

Hi there, thanks for the detailed and quick reply! I've attached a screenshot of the map file at this location.

I've found 17056 (42A0 hex) and like you said, next to it 0672 (both displayed other way around). So to ensure i'm correct, I'd need to change "0200" in column 6 to "ffff" and then change "ffff" in column 8 to "0000"?

17059 (42A3 hex) is two rows below it at address 00072c70 and like you said, that displays "ffff" and "0000" in columns 6 and 8 respectively.

How do you calculate the checksums in these files? I know how to do it in EEprom ones - is it similar for this? (FFFF - sum of hex data in that row).

Thanks again for the help!


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« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2023, 01:18:36 PM »

I also noticed I found this hex value in two address locations,  00052c70 and 00072c70.

Am I disabling this in both locations? And any ideas as to why it's there twice? Cheers, full noob here.
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« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2023, 01:59:05 PM »

Yes, change it in both locations
it's for different variants, like manual or auto trans
but don't ask me which one fits
for checksum calculation you should get a proper tool

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« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2023, 02:16:41 PM »

Yes, change it in both locations
it's for different variants, like manual or auto trans
but don't ask me which one fits
for checksum calculation you should get a proper tool

Ahh you legend, that makes sense thanks for explaining that!

Any particular checksum tool you would recommend?
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« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2023, 12:52:08 AM »

Afaik there is no free tool like me7sum for EDC15,
but you can ask here -> "Checksum Update Requests",
or send me PM

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« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2023, 11:07:47 AM »

Afaik there is no free tool like me7sum for EDC15,
but you can ask here -> "Checksum Update Requests",
or send me PM

Thanks Leonhard, have sent you a PM.

I use some software called "EDC15P+ Suite" and it has a checksum utility in it. Just checking to see whether it's actually worked or not!

Thanks again for all of your help / patience!

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« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2023, 11:20:17 AM »

I uploaded the modified map to my car yesterday (thanks Leonhard for the help and confirming checksums were correct!).

Went for a drive and all's been good, however this morning the EML came back on with "Emissions workshop". I've scanned the car and again, got fault code 17056 appear.

"17056 - Cylinder 2 Glow Plug Circuit (Q11)
P0672 - 35-00 - Electrical Fault"

I've downloaded the bin file from the car and attached it to this post. I've changed address 00052c70 and 00072c70 in columns 6 and 8 to read "ffff" and "0000" which are both correct.

Any ideas as to why this didn't work or is there anything in the address that i've missed? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2023, 10:31:46 AM »

So I've had a play and believe i've sorted it! Fault code hasn't come back on whereas it normally would.

As Leonhard said, you've got the 17056 fault code, followed by the error code, error counter, healing counter, followed by an event and then something that's not used.

So for my example, I had (in hex): A042 7206 0200 FFFF 0023. I changed the error counter from "0200" to "FFFF" meaning that it would never count to it and then the healing counter from "FFFF" to "0000" meaning heal itself instantly.

Weirdly I was still getting the error, until I came across something online which said on some DTC's for the EDC15P ECU, the error counter and heal counter come BEFORE the error code, not after it.

I amended the code to show as attached, calculated the checksums and uploaded it and the light hasn't come back on.

Big thanks to Leonhard for his help and time explaining this. Hopefully useful to anyone who wants to do similar, although I don't recommend disabling DTC's for the hell of it.

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