1. Mappack for 018R is (as far as i done it correctly but maps looks good comparing to my previous attempts which was bad ones) - is same as for : 4B0 906 018CA. I went through whole internet and after 3 days i found that map pack with .bin and it has succeeded.
I will paste it later in another topic - i hope you will forgive me i just have opened 21821509518251 tabs about winols maps at this moment... and trying to understand them
2. I will paste ori and mod file later, together with map pack for it - need do it again because i already got the answer about my attempt and it was wrong - i did miss second ESKONF place but in general: i change MLSUB, MLSBAS to 0, and twice i change ESKONF(3 bytes in total, 2 of SAI and one from rear 02) and rest is rear O2 deletion?
Sorry for my incomplete post but i just wanted to write quickly from which ecu nr you can get maps for that binary. Today or tomorrow i will complete my duty