is it possible to get someone to to take the immo off for me if i send them my bin or whats need plz
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Read the EEPROM and post it. It's only a few bits to switch off the immobilizer. Not the tune file (calibration), which is a single EPROM. You need the EEPROM data, which contains the location of the immobilizer data, adaptation, VIN, etc. However, it's worth mentioning that while you can switch off the immobilizer in flash, it may be hard to find someone to do that for you. Also, if you're running an MK4 tune in a B6, your cooling fans must be running all the time. Your fuel trims are also going to be all over the place since the injectors in a B6 are 300cc at 4 bar static fuel pressure, while the MK4 injectors are 317cc at 3 bar base and have a rising rate fuel pressure regulator. I bet those long-term fuel trims look sweet

Anyway, post the EEPROM, and I can switch off the immobilizer for you