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Author Topic: Throttle Response  (Read 23715 times)
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« Reply #30 on: April 24, 2013, 09:23:48 AM »

So if I'm reading Barks' map correctly from above, as rpm increases the target throttle position decreases with constant throttle input?  Why would you WANT that?

its not target throttle position tho... but requested torque relative to pedal position

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« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2013, 09:55:08 AM »

That is actually what happens in a cable throttle system. To put it another way, think of the throttle as controlling airflow (or power), NOT torque. At a constant airflow value, torque drops as engine speed rises, but very roughly, engine power stays close to the same, at least on a naturally aspirated engine. That is sort of a 'rule of thumb'. It is actually quite difficult to get a good pedal feel, in my software we went from a 12x12 pedal map up to a 20x24 pedal map because the chunky feel of a coarser map. A pedal map should actually be implemented using polynomial interpolation and not a linear surface interpolation, or better yet, a formula filled with cosine functions.
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