« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2023, 09:38:16 AM »
Apart from KFLASWLR I don't think there is any, and that does not give you any enrichment on WOT, it's done for better combustion at very low loads and very cold temperatures.
The reason it does not exist is because it's stupid. Why would you ever run a richer lambda target on cold engine at WOT? Mixture enrichment is used for component protection and for suppression of knock. When the engine is cold both of those are less likely to be needed, so if anything the engine can run leaner, not richer.
Certainly injection correction is there to compensate for wall film effects, but this is a means to achieve the target. Changing the target is pointless. You can find the temperature based injection correction in ESWL and ESUK modules for steady state and transients respectively.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2023, 09:42:42 AM by prj »