I'm building an a-tractor (30km/h) for my daughter out of an Audi A4 2.0TFSI MED9.1.5 (2005) and I have managed to get most parts right but there is one small thing that bothers me and I wonder if anyone knows if it's possible to fix/adjust.
I have set the RPM limiters on all gears according to the real RPM at 30km/h, and also set VMAXNB to 30.
If I remove ESP-fuses the car will be limited to the RPM set at NMAXGA "0" (which I have set to 1000RPM because thats the highest I can have because of only disabled gears 5 and 6 physically on gearbox)
This works good as a safe solution if ABS fails. But this 1000RPM limit is also active when I start the car, and try to take off, so it gets real hard to drive until the engine is warm, since it does not reply to pedal at all, since its already at 1000RPM before getting warm.
As soon as the car is "rolling" this 1000 RPM limit goes off and I can rev whats set in NMAXGA on gears 1-4 (for example 3700 for gear 1 etc)
I'm due for inspection tomorrow and hope to have this fixed before that
Hope you understand my concerns.
Best regards