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Author Topic: noob looking for help bde turbo conversion  (Read 8900 times)

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« on: May 08, 2024, 11:27:37 PM »

Hi all,

I am a complete noob and can only apologise for this. I have been looking at buying a bde 2.8 4 mo with a turbo conversion done by stealth. Upon test drive it is down on power and feels like power is on/off/on/off during a pull.

from vcds i can see that injector on cylinder 3 is running approx half the voltage of the other 5 injectors, they are deka 630cc - i've heard these are not great, but have no facts to base this upon.

also the car has a manual boost controller, which i am led to believe is also not a good thing. it is locked in position and current owner (5 years) says he does not touch this.

Is anyone able to offer any assistance with diagnostics/reading of logs? I have installed ME7 logger v1.20 and setup ecu with orig file, but wont know if it is working until i see the car tonight. I do have vcds so can log from there if this is acceptable.

what would you recommend i log on ME7?

sorry for the noob questions. without having a car/access to it, it is difficult to learn.

cheers Jim
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« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2024, 06:43:02 AM »

Hi all,

I am a complete noob and can only apologise for this. I have been looking at buying a bde 2.8 4 mo with a turbo conversion done by stealth. Upon test drive it is down on power and feels like power is on/off/on/off during a pull.

from vcds i can see that injector on cylinder 3 is running approx half the voltage of the other 5 injectors, they are deka 630cc - i've heard these are not great, but have no facts to base this upon.

also the car has a manual boost controller, which i am led to believe is also not a good thing. it is locked in position and current owner (5 years) says he does not touch this.

Is anyone able to offer any assistance with diagnostics/reading of logs? I have installed ME7 logger v1.20 and setup ecu with orig file, but wont know if it is working until i see the car tonight. I do have vcds so can log from there if this is acceptable.

what would you recommend i log on ME7?

sorry for the noob questions. without having a car/access to it, it is difficult to learn.

cheers Jim

You need to vet the hardware to confirm there is not an issue with anything. You messaged me and said it has a misfire on cylinder 5, if you have a fueling issue like a plugged injector, continuously beating it will result in a melted piston. Use vehical for data logging you need a j2534 cable that supports k line. My personal advice would be not to buy the car, specially if you know very little about petrol engines.

Giving your mom a tuneup

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« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2024, 06:55:43 AM »

No miss fire on 5. Just low voltage to injector 3. Have only had a 5 mins test drive and a quick look on vcds.

No fault codes were present, but no idea what had been turned off on the ECU to be fair. Going back for a look tonight, hopefully figure some more out. But any advice on what to log would be helpful.

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« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2024, 12:21:52 PM »

Took it for a drive tonight. Drove perfectly for 15 mins then a little splutter.

Threw faults codes for misfires, and misfires on 2 cylinders. Appears to just be coil packs dieing.
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« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2024, 03:35:56 PM »

No miss fire on 5. Just low voltage to injector 3.

I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about.
The injectors on these ECU's are all fed by the same ECU relay and ground triggered, there can not be any "voltage difference" on them.

PM's will not be answered, so don't even try.
Log your car properly - WinOLS database - Tools/patches
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