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Author Topic: Med9.1 Immo Transfer  (Read 1742 times)

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« on: December 19, 2024, 05:41:44 AM »

Hello everyone, I have a EOS 2.0 TFSI BWA in which I swapped a DSG from a Golf mk5 GTI. Now I understand that I need to update the ECU to a sw that is installed on a DSG car to have the DSG dataset in. My current ECU sw is 1Q0907115C 0040. I identified that EOS with the same 2.0 tfsi engine but DSG from factory uses the 1Q0907115G or 1Q0907115E software. I read my car using Kess V2 on obd and got the bin that has bytes at 6C00. I also got the sgo for both G and E software variants but I don't have ODIS or VCP at the hand to flash them as sgo. Can I transfer the immo data bytes from my kess read from the car and flash the new software as a bin with those bytes transfered? If the answer is yes, then what data block should I transfer from my 115C read to the 115G/E bin that was converted from sgo using genuine winols?

Thanks in advance!
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« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2024, 08:08:47 AM »

You can write whole flash. Kess will skip the immo block. You can also modify your ori file to work with DSG. See VARLC in the funktionsrahmen.
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