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Author Topic: 1.8t Audi TT 018H big turbo, stepped power delivery, large timing swings (steps)  (Read 28896 times)
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okies.. This one is proving to be a puzzle.. 1.8t, GT3076 turbo.. RS4 sized MAF, 830cc injectors....
when on part throttle progressively applying more throttle the cars power delivery feels stepped pull, stay, pull stay etc...  It does it lesser so on wot in 4/5/6, but 3rd and progressive throttle you feel it a lot.
the only thing I can see which also steps is logged ign timing, and it looks to me to be the cause, but I dont know why.

Any suggestions on what might be intervening and what other info is required to help identify and fix this?

Already tried is maf scales from stock TT225 to RS4, backing out a lot of timing so no CF's, switching off knock sensing completely, using another base file completely from 018BH, all do the same stepped delivery.

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Switching off knocks its wrong, perhaps you could have chop them around 30-50%, but 100% its way too much.

Also those steps, from 8 to 32° ignition are way too much. You say ignition backing out but this thing here on boost, 4600rpm, delivers 32°.

Have you measured knock sensors volt? block 26 on vcds.

Seat Ibiza MK4 Cupra 1.8t 20V, stg3.
"Those 1.8T 20V machines are really tough" ©
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Torque intervention.

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Switching off knocks its wrong, perhaps you could have chop them around 30-50%, but 100% its way too much.

Also those steps, from 8 to 32° ignition are way too much. You say ignition backing out but this thing here on boost, 4600rpm, delivers 32°.

Have you measured knock sensors volt? block 26 on vcds.

The log posted was'nt with knock switched off..  that would be daft..  timing was backed down a lot when that test was done, but the stepped delivery continued.
not looks at knock voltage no.. timing pull during this is into 6'CF's on high load slow ramp rate for info.
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Sorry to ask Bill as I'm sure you have, but have the axis's been adjusted to compensate for the larger loads being requested? I am assuming on a Gt30 your running up into 220 load in Kfmirl and is this reflected in the Kfmiop axis, timing axis etc.

It looks like the timing is flicking between max angle and min angle.

have you also tried the 8n0906018CB file as I know this loads onto the 018H and runs ( I doubt it'll make a difference but might eliminate the 018h file being at fault.
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Log ARMD and torque monitoring variables to find out the source of the timing pull.

Timing oscillations like that cannot be knock regulation; the hysteresis  is very very high.

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Sorry to ask Bill as I'm sure you have, but have the axis's been adjusted to compensate for the larger loads being requested? I am assuming on a Gt30 your running up into 220 load in Kfmirl and is this reflected in the Kfmiop axis, timing axis etc.

It looks like the timing is flicking between max angle and min angle.

have you also tried the 8n0906018CB file as I know this loads onto the 018H and runs ( I doubt it'll make a difference but might eliminate the 018h file being at fault.
yea we flashed 018CB into it.. same thing..

its not requesting larger loads as much as you would think.. its been running in a few different guise's, with RS4 MAF tube TT sensor and scaled RS4 maf voltages and also TT scale on same RS4 housing.

Its had axis adjusted up down, sideways, std...  almost verging on thinking something weird with hardware/ecu..
log of that ecux plot here>

run in inertia mode on dyno on a progressive throttle application.. stepped power which correlates to the ign being yanked about madly

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Log ARMD and torque monitoring variables to find out the source of the timing pull.

Timing oscillations like that cannot be knock regulation; the hysteresis  is very very high.

hi.. I read your ARMD thread and saw similarities...

the variables to log, would they be like you did?
zwist << the only thing I had logged of the above list so far

Pardon my ignorence on these as I am not familiar with their functions (only used logger for a short while) but are these enough to log to determin the cause of this intervention do you think?

any help welcomed..
it has a few of us baffled currently
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If zwist follows zwsol instead of zwbas then you are experiencing torque intervention. You can then backtrack the intervention to MDZW, MDKOG, and ARMD to determine the cause.
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I might be off the mark here but looking at your logs and the graph below. Could it be that your specifying far to much load ?

Engine load requested and actual load are pretty good, and the Engine torque is pegged at near 70 across the board.

Again only asking but is your KFMIRL and KMIOP interpolated correctly (matched) ?

I was looking at FR earlier and there are 2 maps KFMI_um and KFZW_um which have 1 axis of rpm and the other % which looks from the FR that it's load related and if that's the case then the highest % axis on the CB and H are both 159 which might be that its increasing to reflect the 240 you are specifying. Like I say I it's just a suggestion

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run in inertia mode on dyno on a progressive throttle application

"The anti-judder system may also interfere with your timing if your car is very fast, very light, or on a dyno with very little load. You can disable it under WOT by setting the last row of KFDMDARO to 50.000, and (optionally) copying over a few RS4 values for KFDMDARO/KFDMDADP/KIFZGHG"

Lots more info here

Read the whole thread if you want to know what to look for when logging.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 09:20:47 PM by nyet » Logged

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"The anti-judder system may also interfere with your timing if your car is very fast, very light, or on a dyno with very little load. You can disable it under WOT by setting the last row of KFDMDARO to 50.000, and (optionally) copying over a few RS4 values for KFDMDARO/KFDMDADP/KIFZGHG"

Lots more info here

Read the whole thread if you want to know what to look for when logging.

just to clarify... dyno was run in inertia mode only to show the issue it has on the road. Its a loaded dyno with variable load, but the step issue manifests itself much more with light load and progressive application of the throttle..

There are several maps KFDMDARO_  Is this the same as your S4/RS4?
Change all of these to 50 the same do you think?
When we ran this on emulator last week the 1-6 axis are gears.

I have read your thread a few times... and slowly getting my head round it.  Have you cured your issue?
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 01:47:53 AM by ibizacupra » Logged
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There are several maps KFDMDARO_  Is this the same as your S4/RS4?
Change all of these to 50 the same do you think?

S4 only has one..

You have three choices

1) change them all
2) change them one by one to figure out which it is, then post back here so people know ...
3) disassemble the code and see which is used Smiley

Have you cured your issue?


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S4 only has one..

You have three choices

1) change them all
2) change them one by one to figure out which it is, then post back here so people know ...
3) disassemble the code and see which is used Smiley


I am saving up for an ols300 emulator so faster changes to find out such things..
I have made some mods, to all of them for now and will see how they fare on the car when I see it next

thanks for your help

glad you fixed yours..  namely by using RS4 settings if I understood the ARMD thread correctly

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Unplug MAF, is it alot better then?
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