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Author Topic: 028906021JB (1.9 TDI) Mapped out only for Manual  (Read 12617 times)
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« on: September 15, 2012, 08:08:45 PM »

Original files + .kp + .ols

Hot Start: 3B9C
Torque Limit: 3F10
Smoke Limit: 3FEE
Fuel Correction: 4A64
Turbo Map 1: 54FE
Turbo Map 2: 567A
Turbo Limit: 58D8
Injection Limit: 7A8E
N108: 7E0E


The chip this was read off (TMS27c010) is an OTP chip, meaning it can only be written ONCE.
Will update overtime if client requests something else
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 12:00:51 AM by Torsen-TTune » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2012, 08:11:19 PM »

Forgot to bloody attach it.
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2012, 12:56:19 AM »

Hi Mark,

Any chance of a few paragraphs of guidance on your recalibration methodology (i.e. what you've done and why) for those amateurs amongst us that are interested in the principles/philosophy of EDC tuning? There's only scant details around on smoke maps, etc. but nothing substantial.


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« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2012, 02:36:25 AM »

Hi Mark,

Any chance of a few paragraphs of guidance on your recalibration methodology (i.e. what you've done and why) for those amateurs amongst us that are interested in the principles/philosophy of EDC tuning? There's only scant details around on smoke maps, etc. but nothing substantial.


My thought exactly.

If possible pls?


Seat Ibiza MK4 Cupra 1.8t 20V, stg3.
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« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2012, 12:36:02 PM »

I originally had no experience whatsoever when understanding the mapping idea behind coal burners, but I decided to serach up as much information as possible and read up about it anywhere I possibly could.
Found most of my information through these things:

And the best diesel explanations I could possibly and humanly find:

To get the addresses out of this dump, I had to find the closest one possible, and the one in question was found on ECU connections for a99 Cabrio. I used searched for similar map sizes at first, but then quickly noticed they are quite different in between the modules. So I used several different approaches until I located what I was looking for.

Approach 1, looking for maps in similar proximity as it is in the Cabrio. This proved to be a very useful way of searching, and managed to match up most of the Maps with this approach.

Approach 2, looking through similar values. This worked for 1 or 2 of the maps, so not so efficient.

Approach 3, by far the best way. 2D view and searching for recognizable maps.

From what I've gathered, there are two types of smoke maps, there's the smoke control via air flow and the one via air pressure. Both are of course limited by the injection quantity. Theory behind it is to simply control the fuel injection to taper with airflow/pressure. Should it go out of bounds the ECM will throttle cut to return to the MAP, and then restore to the drivers wish. All the the smoke maps are, are limiters.

Great read:

Several notes: I am by far not even close to knowing 50% of the diesel ecu functions, so if you catch any of my mistakes, do tell.

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« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2012, 01:11:39 PM »

Now I read this part somewhere, can't remember where, but there is a beautiful formula for the diesel motors for injection/air mix.

1.9L motor = 1897cm^3

1897/4 cylinders = 474 cm^3

This translate the maximum amount of air can be held in 474cm^3.
Assuming we are at sealevel, we can say that air density is 1mg/cm^3, which means that the cylinder at sealevel, will suck in 474 x1.0 mg of air at every stroke.

Now for most turbocharged cars, the MAF sensor is completely useless, but the only reason it exists on them, is to measure and compare the EGR flow to the intake flow. This means that if the MAF sensor reads 200mg/stroke of air flowing in, but the engine requires 474, then the EGR must be producing 274mg of it. To make my life, and the engines, easier, let's assume the EGR is disabled (it is).

Now, 1000 mbar of pressure is whats known as atmospheric pressure, or no boost. In order to get some boost, let's assume the turbo charger produces an extra 1000mbar of boost, to a total pressure of 2bars. Now we know for a fact that 1000mbar, the cylinder contains 474mg of air. That means that we can have 948mg @ 2 bar.

Now, we all know the magic number of 14.7, well sadly with diesels its a whopping 14.6. Huge difference, right? Anyway, to those who are not supposed to be coming close to tuning because they don't know this, Fuel to air ratio has a perfect burning efficiency at a ratio of 14.7 mg of air to 1 mg of fuel.

In this case we're running at 14.6:1, which means 474/14.6 = 32.5mg of fuel can be injected to produce an efficient mixture when the engine has no boost. Now, this does NOT mean that the engine will be injecting 32.5mg of fuel at every stroke, that would simply create shit ton of black smoke at idle. On average at idle, it is about 6mg of fuel. 32.5 is just the maximum amount of fuel for efficient burning at best of conditions under no boost.

I'll write up the theory behind driverswish/injection quantity an such a bit later on when I get back.

The only change I've done so far to the MAP per customer request:

EGR orig:

EGR new:
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« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2012, 01:46:03 AM »

When you do this to EGR make sure to also adjust SOI in the region where you disabled EGR.

PM's will not be answered, so don't even try.
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« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2012, 03:22:44 AM »

When you do this to EGR make sure to also adjust SOI in the region where you disabled EGR.
Good call. Bloody missed that altogether.
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« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2013, 06:59:12 PM »

I know this is an older thread.

I feel like there should be some map to relate the throttle position to the fueling maps right?
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