If you study ME7 at all, what sense does it make to avoid the FR acronyms. It just adds to confusion and ambiguity.
It's not nonsense, start studying and it will become second nature. There is a pattern.
I guess you missed the part where I said "user friendly" not "study for hours to even understand the map names, let alone the ecu logic"
The pattern is even better if you know German.
KFZW for example would be Kennfeld Zündwinkel. Kennfeld is a map and Zündwinkel literally means ignition angle.
Yeah, I don't really know german. lol, know they are not named randomly but when trying to relate what I know from tuning Subarus and DSMs it is a real confusing trying to understand the map names.
Maps are only listed as letters ie krkte as the person that created the .xdf named them like that! Take the time and change them to what ever you want!
Guess that will be the easiest thing to do.