I found these thermostat maps in a dated Me7.2 damos file from 1999 from an x5. (
I'm trying to map the old damos to newer versions with different addresses, but have some holes I'd like to fill in. ddillenger, do you have any me7.2 ols or damos files that are newer than the one I linked to. Maybe I could share with you what I have and could tell me if I'm mapping the newer files correctly and also help me fill in some of the missing locations.
supra94tt, I sent you these before, but maybe someone else can help you out if they know what you are looking at.
DTANSETR {Hysterese Ansauglufttemperatur f r elektr. Thermostatregelung}
DTMETR {Temperaturhysterese f r elektrische Thermostatregelung}
KFETRD {Sollwert f r elektr. Thermostatregelung aus dk}
DVFZETR {Hysterese Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit f r el. Thermostatregelung}
KFETRT {Sollwert f r elektr. Thermostatregelung aus tans}
TAETRMN {Ansauglufttemperaturschwelle zur Abschaltung der el. Thermostatregelung}
TWETRS {Solltemperatur bei Anforderung W„rmetauscherschutz; ersetzt FWETRS}
VFZETR {Geschwindigkeitsschwelle f r el. Thermostatregelung}
TVETRA {Verz”gerungzeit zum L”schen von B_etr}
TVETRE {Verz”gerungzeit zum Setzen von B_etr}